Questions from a "dummy" - page 19

Please explain the meaning of the line ((m_patterns_usage&(((int)1)<<p))!=0) ?
Please explain the meaning of the string ((m_patterns_usage&(((int)1)<< p))!=0) ?

The meaning of the line is checking the p-th bit of the m_patterns_usage variable for equality to 1 (more exactly, for non-zero).

Read more:

((int) 1) : means to convert the unit to int type to prevent the compiler from automatically converting it to the minimum integer type (char).

((int)1)<< p : means a bit shift of a unit of int type p bits to the left.

(m_patterns_usage & (((int)1)<<p) : bitwise operation And. It will result in a 0 if at least one of the result bits is not equal to one.

You may study the results of bitwise "&" and "|" operations by yourself from reference books. You cannot do without it if you want to continue programming.

What might you need to deinitialise variables for?
Why would you need to deinitialize variables?

If you explain HOW it's done, I'll think of a reasonable use, if I have the slightest chance. ;)

There is no need to deinitialize variables, but it is very desirable to free memory referenced by pointers (dynamically created objects). Always.


If you can explain HOW it's done, I'll be sure to think of a reasonable use, if there's the slightest chance. ;)

There is no need to deinitialize variables, but it is very desirable to free memory referenced by pointers (dynamically created objects). Always.

string s2=NULL;               // деинициализация строки

From here

But I'd like to know why. Just in case.

And the objects don't have to be deinitialized forcibly, the terminal does it itself before deleting?


from here

It's in the string conversion. Maybe you mean just assigning an empty value?
This is in the string conversion. Maybe you mean just assigning an empty value?
I think so too.
Hello, how do I change cursor mode in the editor? I'm always in bold and it erases characters when I press the spacebar, how do I switch to normal...?
Hello, how do I change cursor mode in the editor? I'm always in bold and it erases characters when I press the space bar, how do I switch to normal...?
Press the Insert key.
Thank you