A little surprised :) Thought I'd share and ask a NOT rhetorical question. - page 13


In terms of trading applications, MQL5 is cooler than C++.

And it is almost as fast as C++.

Remember that C++ is a system language and MQL5 is an application language.

C++ is not a system language. It's an application language. :) And it has been so for a long time.

They are 6 times weaker, and if we keep in mind that half of them do not have to be emulated in a numeric engine (e.g. the same story), that is 100-1000 times weaker. Faster.

Yeah, you can't even get the indicators right :)

What indicators? What are you talking about? :)

All right - I'm going to say it again. Don't say another word here. You got hrenfx banned for some reason.

I'll go too.


Because the MT5 optimiser cannot really be used, in my opinion. Then why does it draw 3v charts at all? Can't I just copy three columns of numbers into Matlab? And get the same 3D in one movement?

In a word, if a car is all that beautiful but does not drive, then it's furniture.

Providing services for playing the market is a business. Providing software to play in the market is a business. Any business has a target audience.

Any housewife should be able to play in the market if she wants to. You're not a target audience. In general, knocking business on the site of business is not correct.

You just put up provocations. I remember you are a professional trader.

I remember that you are a professional trader with years of experience who does not know the term "best price".


You will not be understood here. An MT optimiser is a linearly scaled MT tester. Obviously, an optimizer inherently shouldn't be like that. But if I were the developer, I wouldn't see any other way out. Well done to them for taking the cloud computing route. It really allows you to revive the right concept of the optimizer.

The best optimizer is your own. But there is no way I could implement competent cloud computing in my calculator.

Ok - suppose, there is an optimizer without cloud computing but multi-threaded and supporting C++ and MT4 (and all its subsystem) which is 100 times faster than it, and 6 times faster purely by MT5 code, yes... and "solves" not only with brute force and GA, but also with about 50 more variants. How much would you buy it for? Would you buy it for $1000? Why so expensive? You and ten other people will be the only buyers. :)

OK - once again - nothing to talk about. :)


Providing services for market gambling is a business. Providing software to market gambling is a business. Every business has a target audience.

Any housewife should be able to play the market if she wants to. You're not a target audience. In general, knocking business on the site of business is not correct.

You just put up provocations. I remember you are a professional trader.

I remember that you are a professional trader with many years of experience, who for some reason is not familiar with the term "best price".

BUT-BUT!!! Don't accuse me of being a tease! There is no such thing. I just - clearly articulate - and without embellishment. That's all.

Gentlemen, let me repeat it once again: the terminal and the tester are both written in C++ with maximum optimization for SSE2.

That means that all bar building/modelling, infrastructure binding etc. are optimised to the maximum, including our own algorithmic solutions.

It means that we cannot be outrun even by a pure and honest run with bar modelling for a significant amount of time. MQL5 itself is very fast.

There's no need for theoretical reasoning about "100 times".


Gentlemen, let me repeat it once again: the terminal and the tester are both written in C++ with maximum optimization for SSE2.

That means that all bar building/modelling, infrastructure binding etc. are optimised to the maximum, including our own algorithmic solutions.

It means that we cannot be outrun even by a pure and honest run with bar modelling for a significant amount of time. MQL5 itself is very fast.

There's no need for theoretical reasoning about "100 times".

1300 / 230 = 5.6 times (MS C++)

1600/230 = 6.95 times ( itnel 11 )


You will not be understood here. An MT optimiser is a linearly scaled MT tester. Obviously, an optimizer inherently shouldn't be like that. But if I were the developer, I wouldn't see any other way out. Well done to them for taking the cloud computing route. It really allows us to revive the right concept of the optimizer.

The optimizer is not exactly a "linearly scaled tester", but has its own optimization methods that work effectively on large-scale repetitive calculations.

We're just now busy speeding up on massive calculations. Here is a link to past results, and a new version with faster calculations is ready.


1300 / 230 = 5.6 times ( MS C++ )

1600/230 = 6.95 times ( itnel 11 )

Considering that 99% of the work is done in the infrastructure bindings written in С++, the impact of the MQL5 speed drop is not so noticeable.

In addition, in the near future we will launch a new mode of MQL5 code optimization (which has been repeatedly postponed due to complexity and implementation errors) and the results will be at the level of С++. That is, MQL5 will run at the same speed as C++. This task is absolutely solvable and we are getting there.

You've just shown yourself (even if on an extremely simple and well-optimized loop) that the 100/1000 time advantage is out of the question. And taking into account that the main costs of mass modelling are in the infrastructure bindings (and they are written in C++ in the terminal and tester), we can't even get a twofold advantage.

You get 100 times as much if you don't emulate a lot of things - for example, when opening, you check a lot of things - and work with the history. In general - the sale is one line ... or rather two minus the quote plus the base. And all - no checks - that's the result in 100 times. Or even more. Well really - come on. I understand that I'm not the target audience. But you still think, give the idea - the optimizer is not a tester.

And what prevents you from writing in your EA instead of opening a position

In general - the sale is one line... or rather two minus kotirok plus base.

And you get a pure optimizer in MQL5, with the ability to use all the tester's features, such as simulation of all ticks, GA, and the optimization chart.