Numbers in the scale doesn't match the actual numbers

Numbers in the scale doesn't match the actual numbers.  For example, the chart will show 136.500 but the actual current price shows 136.620.  The price doesn't match between the chart and the actual price. Was there a new firmware that was added recently? 
Jay Dantes: Numbers in the scale doesn't match the actual numbers.  For example, the chart will show 136.500 but the actual current price shows 136.620.  The price doesn't match between the chart and the actual price. Was there a new firmware that was added recently? 

Please show a screenshot of what you are referring to. Remember, we can not see what you see nor do we know what you are thinking.

Also tell us what MT5 build you are using and if this is on the desktop or mobile version. By the way, MetaTrader is Software not Firmware!


Thanks Fernando.  Here's the screen shot:

And the issue is the same in windows PC and iPhone on the Metatrader 4 app. 
Jay Dantes #: Thanks Fernando.  Here's the screen shot:

As I stated, we do not know what you are thinking, yet you still did not provided sufficient information as requested.

First, you seem to be using MetaTrader 4, not 5. You should have posted in that section: MQL4 and MetaTrader 4. This section you posted in, is the general section for MT5, not MT4.

Second, you are comparing the Chart (which only shows Bid prices) with Trades that use both Bid and Ask prices.

A "buy" positions opens at the Ask price and closes at the Bid price, while a "sell" position" opens at the Bid price and closes at the Ask price.

So, always consider the current spread (ask-bid) when comparing the price of trades to the chart.

Jay Dantes:
Numbers in the scale doesn't match the actual numbers.  For example, the chart will show 136.500 but the actual current price shows 136.620.  The price doesn't match between the chart and the actual price. Was there a new firmware that was added recently? 

Can you open the trade panel like in the picture and show it?