Multi-core testing network for all comers - page 3


Tested. Busy agents like failed try to start every minute automatically.

No more than 5 times in a row.

But, after successful start (successful is the one which returned the result) the failed start counter is reset to 0.


No more than 5 times in a row.

But, after successful start (successful is the one that returned the result) the failed start counter is reset to 0.

Not bad would be to make another hour counter, five times in a row did not connect, let him wait an hour and try again.

So you can be put to test and do not approach, if the agent is then released it can be used automatically.

And ostlezhat hundreds of agents when they are released there is not very convenient.

By the way, how do you plan to organize this in Pool ?

One of them put the call-up and in five minutes everything is ready and the second one, who started one minute later, put up the call-up for 20 hours. It turns out that the second one doesn't have enough capacity for testing and at the same time there is free capacity but it was busy at the time of start.

PS Better yet, make a configurable parameter in agent's popup tab for number of times and frequency of attempts. Default is 5 times, 1 minute.


It would be a good idea to make an hour counter, five times in a row you don't connect, let it wait an hour and try again.

An hour of downtime is expensive.


An hour of downtime is expensive.

With a large number of agents, there will still be a chance to get enough to do the job.

More optimally, have them try every 10 minutes. Then there will be 6 attempts per hour ( evenly distributed over time).


The most optimal thing would be.

PS А ещё лучше сделать настраиваемый параметр во всплывающей вкладке агента количесво раз и частота попыток.

The default setting is 5 times, 1 minute.

This preserves foolproofing (not likely to be done by a novice), and gives flexibility to the agents.

PS It is bad that official people keep silent, either they have no time or there is nothing to answer.

We are preparing our own globally accessible network of test agents. It will be able to pass any firewalls and will not require white ips. Details will come later after the first steps are implemented.
We're preparing our own globally available network of test agents. It will be able to bypass any firewalls and won't require white ips. More details will follow after the first steps are implemented.

Thank you, we have been waiting for a long time. In the meantime, you can try it out in the deployed VPNs, gain some experience, maybe some bugs will pop up.

Again VPN is quite a tolerable free alternative to your service.

That said, I have no doubt that the built-in agent-hire service will be smarter.

We are preparing our own globally available network of test agents. It will be able to pass any firewalls and will not require white ips. Details will come later after the first steps are implemented.

Are there any plans to implement the possibility of both providing their own and using other people's agents for money? it seems to me that freebies are unpromising, because there will always be more people who want to use other people's cores than there are cores available.

That's why there should be some kind of a money auction where there are core providers and there are core buyers.

Only then a very accurate processor ranking should be done and the main price in all auctions/calculations should be based on PR/hour of use.


Are there any plans to implement the possibility of both providing their own and using other people's agents for money? it seems to me that freebies are unpromising, because there will always be more people who want to use other people's cores than there are cores available.

That's why there should be some kind of a money auction where there are core providers and there are core buyers.

Only then a very accurate processor ranking should be done and the main price in all auctions/calculations should be based on PR/hour of use.

Well this has already been announced, the project will be a paid project, those who will rent out capacity will get money on the forum, tenants will pay.

But the issue of discrimination is interesting, faster cores should cost more, again we need to evaluate pings and stability of communication.

Although I think that the price will be so small that neither the landlord nor the tenant will understand the difference.


More optimally, have them try every 10 minutes. Then there are six attempts per hour (evenly spaced).

I think this is the best option.