Iron tips - page 3

About the UPS - don't forget to take a bit more watts than the total load.
Otherwise, I took an even one and it couldn't hold 2 computers))

You have to be able to handle the peak load even for one, not to mention two.

If you take 500-525 APCs for example, the maximum load they can handle in normal operation is about 350 watts.

But the load should be no more than 200-250 watts for them to work properly. That way the UPS will hold a PC long enough and the battery will have to be replaced as planned - in 3 years.

And I would take WD, I have 2 - in a laptop and an external. They work Hurrah, no bad sectors, and low power consumption)).
The only thing I say, do not take samsung - in my practice of dealing with computers was as much as 3 cases of breakage hdd, and all samsungs (different people, laptops and conventional).

I don't - I replaced Hitachi in all my HDDs. I will leave any shop which advises something else at once, and I won't go there again.

In any case, regardless of the manufacturer you must buy not less than 500 Mb disk (if needed you can insert an additional one).


Disks in laptops or netbooks is another matter. Here we have to think at once what and how we take. We have 320gb for a notebook, the usual size...


This is the kind of thing I would take if the kit was cheaper

Then you can buy a decent video card and you can play games :)


On this topic I have a very interesting, but apparently specific, situation. In my residential area, the networks are very weak (private sector in Tver). When someone uses a welder, the lights flash and almost go out. The stationary copm starts switching over endlessly. And nothing helps: neither the stabiliser, nor the UPS. Apparently, the surges are so high that they exceed all tolerances. Therefore, I work only on a laptop (it does not care, everything goes through the adapter, and it does not react). And I want to have a stationary - can anyone have any ideas? Can, of course, through a battery with an inverter and charger to feed, but maybe something more decent is?

The most ideal variant in this situation is as follows. First, you lower the mains voltage and rectify it to 12 volts. Then we convert this DC voltage to AC again and increase it to 250 volt. This, the power part of the electronics is made elementary of two powerful transformers and Soviet, powerful transistors. Now we have to add quick response electronics on modern fused transistors for instant transfer at voltage dropout the second inverter supply from the first inverter to the car battery. The circuit will run like clockwork to infinity. It's not a big deal. The efficiency is just a little bit lower.
The most ideal option in such a situation is as follows. First you lower the mains voltage and rectify it to 12 volts. Then we convert this DC voltage to AC again and increase it to 250 volt. This, the power part of the electronics is made elementary of two powerful transformers and Soviet, powerful transistors. Now we have to add quick response electronics on modern fused transistors for instant transfer at voltage dropout the second inverter supply from the first inverter to the car battery. The circuit will run like clockwork to infinity. It's not a big deal. Only the efficiency will be less.
Speaking of laptops, and indeed, take a laptop, and it will be all the same.

And UPS's often don't respond to a smooth voltage drop, a stabiliser may help a little, but not always.

At the expense of your circuit, high-power diodes and transistors are now worth a lot (and Soviet-type need somewhere to unsolder), I doubt that the author, radioelectronic engineer with experience, otherwise burn a computer. :)

Speaking of laptops, and indeed, take a laptop, and it will be all the same.

And UPS's often don't respond to a smooth voltage drop, a regulator can help a bit, but not always.

As for your scheme, high-power diodes and transistors are expensive these days (and the USSR ones need to be soldered out from somewhere), I doubt that the author, radioelectrician with experience, otherwise, will burn the computer. :)

If a person has to do it and needs it, he'll figure it out! It's not that complicated. But welding surge voltage is a pain to get rid of, and you'd have to pay a lot to get rid of it. As for the transistors, even on a mosfet or IGBT such a thing wouldn't cost much. I'd build one myself in three days if there was a problem!
If a person has a problem and needs it, he'll figure it out! It's not that complicated. But welding surge voltage is a pain to get rid of. As for the transistors, even on a mosfet or IGB it doesn't cost much.
A person who does not know the difference between the diode and the resistor, it can be soldered in a month, and not the fact that it will work :)
In that case, it is easier to buy a UPS, for example, as for ATMs, they come with a stabilizer and batteries.
A person who doesn't know the difference between a diode and a resistor can solder this in a month, but not for sure it will work :)
It is easier to buy a UPS, such as the one for ATMs, which comes with a stabilizer and batteries.

There are simply solutions to problems and nothing more!



that's the most important thing.

you can't do anything with a 10 inch beech

i have a 17 inch laptop + 22 monitor

I'm not complaining.

one of them writes code on the other.

That's how I learned to program.

i already know about 10 syntaxes

you don't have enough for 10 inches to open the help + editor + terminal.

but if i were you i'd get a desktop computer with water jet.

The markets require an informed decision.

a calm and comfortable environment.

a year ago i was also thinking about what to get, i got a toshiba satego laptop

now i would probably take a desktop with vidyuha for 4 monitors.

I had to buy and modify the cooling system.

I would have gone for the big monitor and a powerful processor!

I don't really think the Beech is just for show.

The only thing you can do with it is to listen to music and check your e-mail.



To be honest with you, I don't think the beech is a gimmicky thing.

The same is true of laptop beacons, and they are not much more expensive.

I am of the same opinion, moreover, notebooks are not much more expensive.