A tester without internet does not work. - page 7


Storing passwords has no effect on the editor and displaying files.

Check if the empty *.MQ5 list is because the terminal is running in UAC protection mode in some cases.

Use "File - Open Data directory" command to see where the working directory is pointing. In UserData or Program Files?

I don't know how to check about UAC. Use "File - Open Data directory" to open terminal directory (on USB stick)

The sequence is as follows: terminal on a flash drive, windows xr pro, and on the other xr home. I open Mt on one computer, configure the editor of the program, close and reopen, all is normal programs in the editor are open. I connect to another computer, enter the password, open the editor, the programs are no longer there


I don't know how to check about UAC. The "File - Open data directory" command opens the terminal directory (on the USB stick)

Sequence of operations is as follows: terminal on a flash drive, windows xr pro, and on the other xr home. I open but one computer, configure the editor of the program, close and reopen, all is normal programs in the editor are open. I connect to another computer, I enter the password, and I open the editor, but the programs are no longer there.

Where are the files open in the editor stored physically? Do the paths match to the directories?

Maybe because paths are different the editor can't open files...


Where are the files opened in the editor physically stored? Are the paths to the directories the same?

Perhaps because the paths are different, the editor cannot open the files...

The files are stored there on the flash drive, in the standard directories of the terminal (Expert, Incloud, Scripts, etc.), i.e. the path does not change
I also have a flash drive, in standard directories of the terminal and are stored (Expert Advisors, inludes, scripts, etc.) i.e. the path does not change

I don't know how to check about UAC. The "File - Open data directory" command opens the terminal directory (on the USB stick)

Sequence of operations is as follows: terminal on a flash drive, windows xr pro, and on the other xr home. I open Mt on one computer, configure the editor of the program, close and reopen, all is normal programs in the editor are open. I connect to another computer, enter the password, open the editor, the programs are already gone.

Either it is a side effect of protection system or editor can not open required files, because absolute paths don't coincide (it doesn't search by relative ones).

Try in both cases to use /portable switch, maybe it will help (if it is about relative paths to files).


Developers are strange people in general, at least their solutions sometimes make me think (it must be so we won't relax).

I encountered such a problem in terminal server:

Terminal starts without /portable key and what we see and we see the following picture - experts and other code are stored in one place and are downloaded from base to another. As a result, we have a question and we may have to write an application.

I mean, the file is downloaded from the base in the folder where Expert Advisor was installed, while I mean all working materials are stored in Documents and Settings.

All right, understood the "error", put the key and what? Now I use the RIGHT directory, but all information on invoices disappeared (I had to reconnect).


The editor's colour scheme (and probably all the parameters), as I understand it, is also tied to "Documents and Settings", otherwise how can one explain it becoming STANDARD after applying the key?


About UAC I don't know how to check. The "File - Open data directory" command opens the terminal directory (on the USB stick)


  1. the data directory points to the flash drive
  2. The *.MQ5 files are located in the /MQL5 subdirectory on the flash drive
  3. But they are not visible in the file tree in the editor?
This should not be the case.

That is to say:

  1. the data directory points to the USB stick
  2. the *.MQ5 files are in the /MQL5 subdirectory on the flash drive
  3. but they are not visible in the file tree in the editor?
It shouldn't be like that.

Yes, sure, if the terminal is started without /portable switch and searching not on the flash drive...

My example i gave above is the proof.

Although as far as I understand if the directory with the data on the flash and specified exactly everything should work.


To check I can also experiment with the flash drive.


Yeah, sure, if the terminal starts without the /portable switch and is not searching on the USB stick...

Yes, if the editor is started from the terminal, then the editor inherits the portable mode.

So, if terminal is launched in data protection mode (not portable), then editor launched from terminal will access UserData area instead of local storage too.


I don't know how to check about UAC. The "File - Open data directory" command opens the terminal directory (on the USB stick)

Sequence of operations is as follows: terminal on a flash drive, windows xr pro, and on the other xr home. I open Mt on one computer, configure the editor of the program, close and reopen, all is normal programs in the editor are open. I connect to the other computer, I enter the password and open the editor, but the programs are already gone.

Checked it out. As I thought, editor remembers absolute path to files instead of relative (I checked without /portable switch).

Did the following:

Wundows XP Pro SP3.

1. Copying the entire project to a flash drive.

2. Started the editor from flash drive and opened three working Expert Advisors in it

Absolute path to the folder with Expert Advisors - Z:\MetaTrader5-RAD\MQL5\Experts

3. I have transferred everything to another machine

Wundows 2003 SP2 operating system (administrator rights)

4. Now I ran the editor, directories and files are present in the tree, the local directory is defined correctly (but the editor does not open Expert Advisors)

And the absolute path to the experts directory is K:\MetaTrader5-RAD\MQL5\Experts

5. I return a flash drive back and re-open the Expert Advisors (they are not opened on the first computer)

6. I bring a flash drive to the second computer, but this time I change its letter from K to Z.

7. I opened the AEditor and, lo and behold, all the Experts are open as before.


I suggest to developers to change absolute paths to relative ones, or to give possibility to set relative paths to resources in configuration file...


Yes, if the editor is started from the terminal, the editor inherits the portable mode.

That is, if the terminal is running in data protection mode (not portable), the editor running from the terminal will also access the UserData area instead of the local storage.

This is clear, but why does it access UserData and save the Expert Advisor from the database to "local storage"? It is more logical to save everything to UserData...

That is to say:

  1. the data directory points to the USB stick
  2. the *.MQ5 files are in the /MQL5 subdirectory on the flash drive
  3. but they are not visible in the editor in the file tree?
This should not be the case.

I have them in the tree, but the editor does not open them when I start on a NEW computer (those files that were originally opened on the first machine).

It's just that the editor remembers absolute paths to files which it opened and must remember relative paths (at least when working with flashcards or when transferring project to another machine)...