Debugging the DLL? In MT4 and MT5 - page 5


I have many things that I don't like and I talk about them, but I only argue until I get the answer "it won't happen because xxx and because yyyy".

After that, I stop pulling the other person and leave him or her to stick to his or her opinion.

How would you like to be yanked while manoeuvring in city traffic and have your sleeve tugged and told you to "go nowhere"?

It is better to say where the turn is and let the driver decide for himself whether to turn or not.

I'm just trying to figure out for myself "what's the fun in it" and explain what's important to me personally. That's all.

I'm not teaching anyone. You know how they teach - without appealing. And I'm trying to make sense of my position. And so far, no one has convinced me that I'm wrong. There's been no argument.


I'm just trying to figure out for myself "what's the fun in it" and explain what's important to me personally. That's all.

I'm not teaching anyone. You know how they teach - unappealingly. And I'm trying to make sense of my position. And so far, no one has convinced me that I'm wrong. There's been no argument.

You were told on page 1.

Renat 2010.07.20 14:05 2010.07.20 14:05:07

You are thinking in the wrong direction - protection from decompilation of EX5 format.

We have already once conceded to traders asking "let us debug in DLL" and immediately got EX4 decompiler.
Why this polemic for 5 pages, what can it give you, the readers, the developers?

You were told on page 1

Why this polemic for 5 pages, what can it give you, readers, developers?

Well, if you don't read my argument, then of course nothing. I'm explaining, I'm arguing - so they got a decompiler, what's the big deal? Somebody got hurt, their sales dropped? I also add that I would, for instance, officially post this decompiler with a warning that the codes may change. Well, if desired I would add an option to encrypt this code and decrypt it before removal. Basically the same as in C# and Java.


If you do not read my arguments, of course, nothing. I'm explaining, I'm arguing - you got a decompiler, what's the big deal? Somebody got hurt, their sales dropped? I also add that I would, for instance, officially post this decompiler with a warning that the codes may change. Well, if desired I would add an option to encrypt this code and decrypt it before removal. Basically the same as in C# and Java.

It's so hot, so don't want to pound the keyboard, talk to people who lost sales immediately after the decompiler release (just be prepared to receive a flood of profanity in response to your arguments).

How is that, the man tried for half a year to invent something, gave birth to it, put it on his site for sale,

and only got one sale for $100 and then the whole network is in his decompiled work

(And he has hungry children, a loan from the bank, he knew that the sales would catch up and here you are with arguments to decompile).

And after that you are saying that no one was hurt. You are not accustomed to earn money with your head, so your approaches are different from those of professional developers (different priorities).

You had better send your code to mql, maybe you will catch a bug.

I personally am more concerned that the championships are coming up and the stabilization of the platform is not visible (everything is being actively rebuilt).


It's so hot, I don't want to pound the keyboard, talk to people who lost sales immediately after the release of the decompiler (just be prepared to receive a stream of profanity in response to your arguments).

How come, the man tried for half a year to invent something, gave birth to it, put it on your site for sale,

and got only one sale for $100 and that's it, the whole network is in his decompiled work

(And he has hungry kids, a loan from the bank, he knew that the sales will make up for everything, and here you are with the arguments to decompile).

And then you argue that no one was hurt. All you can see that his head you are not accustomed to earn, so the approaches you have different from those of professional developers (different priorities).

You'd better feed your code in mql and maybe catch a bug, everything is better.

I personally am more worried that the championships are coming up and you can not see the stabilization of the platform yet (everything is being actively rebuilt).

:)) And that's it. Grails for sale, ridiculous. To me, such arguments don't seem even remotely meaningful. As it is indulging in deception.

Championship? Well, that's something else, too. For me.


You are thinking in the wrong direction - protection against EX5 format decompilation.

We have already conceded once to traders asking "let us debug in DLL" and got an EX4 decompiler right away.

Do you think there won't be an EX5 decompiler?
And that there won't be one precisely because of protection?

I recommend to write all calculation things in MQL5 and not to bother yourself with DLL port.

The speed of MQL5 is already high enough for complex and time-consuming calculations. Let's improve the optimizer (it will significantly speed it up) and publish reproducible performance tests with sources.

Our task is to bring the MQL5 language to a self-sufficient state, so that we won't have to worry about moving the code into DLL. DLL is more suitable for integration solutions.

As far as speed is concerned, I think you are close to the truth.

But there are other considerations. For example, the alpha state of MQL5 compiler. Well, such a situation has been detected inthis thread - how can we seriously"write all calculation things in MQL5 and do not bother with DLL porting"?

And the optimizer will add exactly those bugs, one of which is discussed in this thread.


I cannot understand your pathological fear of mql and equally pathological (fanatical) trust in DLL.

If you are so convinced that "everything" can be hacked, what gives you a reason to exclude DLL from the list of "everything "?

I think the DLL is just as easy to break, hence the moral why invent a method to remove the tonsils through the anus.

Write everything in mql and no problem.

On this subject, see the points made by Renat in a previous post.
Do you think there will be no EX5 decompiler?
And that there won't be one thanks to protection?

It won't because of the complexity of the code and because of the protection of course. In any case, it is all in our hands.

We will be fine with the compiler - we have plenty of power and capacity, and few in our field can boast of managed JIT in native 32/64 with a distributed testing environment on remote agents.

We have made a very safe and secure application environment for running other people's EAs (with DLL support disabled). This is a basic requirement for the creation of programming languages for trading systems. Basic, because we have to share the code for the community of users to grow. In this vein, we do our best to allow the MQL5 language to perform all calculations without DLL. Pure MQL5/EX5 is safe for distribution.

Without an actively supported community of traders, there will be no popularity of the language. For many years we technologically, informationally and financially support a huge number of traders who use our technology. It is in the support that our strength lies.

Some weak-willed developers of trading terminals are trying to make up for lost time with cheap solutions like "we can write in C#/java, etc." but they won't do anything useful. Cheap technological input gives rise to equally cheap, fragmented and unsupported solutions. And the level of their subsequent support is clearly demonstrated by attempts to play the cheap "we support MQL4" game.

Keep an eye on our news - there will soon be very interesting news about the visual trading strategy tester. If it all works out, it will be the bomb.


If you think deeper, our position is clear - we protect the terminal and the experts from hacking.

This ultimately protects users as well.

We have been talking about this for a long time.

Let's get to the bottom of what you are defending.

  1. Expert - maybe, but it can be hacked on the one condition that you have one...
  2. Terminal - what for ? work on a hacked terminal ?
  3. It's possible to protect Expert Advisor that will participate in the championship, even if the code is completely open, if you're interested read the branch by the link, a little fantasy and all ...

If you really think about traders and protect their work, where is the protection ?

  1. You cannot change the history of deals, but brokerage companies can do it easily ...
  2. protect them from changes of quotes history, so there is no dispute about whether the quote was made or not, and the protection is effective enough to be accepted by any court ...
  3. prohibit personal manipulation of prices against the trader ...
  4. EDS ...

S.Y., it is not clear what you are protecting, there is a security hole and it cannot be solved, you can connect to your account and just copy trades, no protection will save you from this, or you have a login and password, just fool around with your account ...

Some weak-willed developers of trading terminals are trying to make up for lost time with cheap solutions like "we can write in C#/java, etc.", but they won't do anything good. Cheap technological input gives rise to equally cheap, fragmented and unsupported solutions. And the level of their subsequent support clearly shows the attempts to play the cheap "we support MQL4" game.

Time will judge and put everything in its place, the winner is the one who makes the terminal for traders, not for CAs...