Wishes for the work of the mql5.com forum - page 13


In a private message received from me, instead of an embedded clip from YouTube, the recipient sees a blank line

There was no text in the message.

In my message sent to me, the clip is visible.

There was an error in the editor when inserting videos from youtube in private messages.

Will be fixed in the near future.

MQL5.community - Памятка пользователя
MQL5.community - Памятка пользователя
  • 2010.02.23
  • MetaQuotes Software Corp.
  • www.mql5.com
Вы недавно зарегистрировались и у вас возникли вопросы: Как вставить картинку в сообщение на форуме, как красиво оформить исходный код MQL5, где находятся ваши Личные сообщения? В этой статье мы подготовили для вас несколько практических советов, которые помогут быстрее освоиться на сайте MQL5.community и позволят в полной мере воспользоваться доступными функциональными возможностями.

That's not actually what you asked for. You should have known about the replies and comments to your posts. Quote:

That's what "Favorites" can be used for.

Exactly, it says"And how do I find them" in the first place, and then "and view the replies and comments to them?"

Well if you don't want to, fine! My business to offer and your business to refuse! As they say - master of the house! :)


It wouldn't hurt to add the ability to rate comments, plus and minus, which would show whether other users support the comment or suggestion!


How do I turn off the balance amount on the home page?

ZZZ Now my mother-in-law is going to be all over me and begging for boots :)


How do I turn off the balance amount on the home page?

ZZZ Now my mother-in-law is going to be all over me and begging for boots :)

Tell her it's the amount you owe ;)
Tell her that this is the amount you owe ;)
Which you don't have to pay back. )))

How do I disable the display of the balance amount on the home page?

I agree -- on the home page -- that amount is useless.

Posting the amount next to the "Payments" line in the Profile was useful -- but displaying it on the home page is overkill or should be done as an option.


AdBlock and ElementHiding cut it out perfectly in Firefox:


I agree -- on the home page -- that amount is unnecessary.

Putting that amount next to the "Payments" line in the Profile was useful -- but putting it on the home page is overkill or should be made optional.

I see . I feel sorry for my mother-in-law's boots.
I see. My mother-in-law's sorry about the money for the boots.
And then she'll want a hat, a mantle, a coat, a fur coat, a car, a flat, a cottage, and a soul for the last... We've been there...

The proposal is for the Freelance section:

When you click on the link "discuss application" - make it go to the last page of the correspondence or to the last post, not to the first page!