Installation of MetaTrader 5 - page 10


It turns out, however, that it is not so much the firewall that is in conflict with the manager, but MT5 and the manager? So, the question to the developers, imho, remains.

The terminal has only one request: "create a regular TCP connection there". There is no relationship with deep-seated drivers or network managers.

MetaTrader 5 even works under Wine emulator in Linux (except for server test agent function).

Try re-installing this manager and see if it works with its default settings.


In the end, my curiosity won out and I took the manager down.

You were right, MT5 worked after that.

But I was also right, access to the adapter management from the NVIDIA control panel is gone. Now I'm thinking whether to install it again or not.

It turns out, however, that it was not so much the firewall that was in conflict with manager as MT5 was with manager? So, the question to the developers, imho, remains.

The firewall, which is part of the manager, was in conflict with mt5. That would seem to be more accurate.

The manager can be put back. You just need to figure out how to nail the firewall in it, leaving everything else behind. // Maybe it's enough to rename that malware library after all.

What's upgr only for? To configure the network? No need.

upgr2 Maybe you can disable it in the bios?


The terminal has only one request: "Create a TCP connection there". There is no relationship to deep-seated drivers or network managers.

Candid's log shows 2 libraries wlidnsp.dll and nvlsp.dll (there are a couple more kernel libraries, not the point).

The second library is taken care of. I still do not understand how terminal "stumbled upon" wlidnsp.dll - Windows Live library.

Microsoft® Windows Live ID Namespace Provider.

Could you briefly comment on this?

wlidnsp.dll - Что это такое?
wlidnsp.dll - Что это такое?
 Тормозит компьютер? Очисти компьютер от ненужных программ. Увеличь скорость компьютера. Ускорь загрузку Windows. Обнаружь и удали вирусы и шпионов. Программа бесплатная, победитель конкурса "Софт Года". Скачать бесплатно  Подробнее

Candid's log shows 2 libraries wlidnsp.dll and nvlsp.dll (there are a couple more kernel libraries, not the point).

The second library is taken care of. I still do not understand how terminal "stumbled upon" wlidnsp.dll - Windows Live library.

Microsoft® Windows Live ID Namespace Provider.

Could you briefly comment on this?

Short answer: I stumbled across it because of the inhumanity of Microsoft, which forcibly puts/injects its rubbish(Live libraries) into all the processes to be loaded.

In fact, the user himself littering his system by agreeing/installing the rubbish carefully slipped in by both the computer manufacturers (for laptops/monoblocks this has long been a clinical case) and from Microsoft, which tries to attach its monster-like programs to .NET (e.g. Windows Live package).


Short answer: came across by Microsoft's inhumanity, which forcibly shoves/injects its rubbish(Live libraries) into all downloadable processes.

Got it, thanks.

Just this library showed up in dimonsky's crash log on mt4 here, I had a vague suspicion...

Новая версия MetaTrader 4 Client Terminal build 402 - MQL4 форум
Новая версия MetaTrader 4 Client Terminal build 402 - MQL4 форум

Short answer: stumbled upon the mayhem of Microsoft, which forcibly shoves/injects its rubbish(Live libraries) into all downloadable processes.

Is there any way to fight this kind of mayhem? Or is it useless?
Is there any way to fight this kind of mayhem? Or is it useless?

The way to fight this is to tear down Windows Live completely and not put rubbish on your computer.

Every year, the amount of rubbish forcibly installed on computers grows, leading to a host of unexplained and unreproducible crashes. All sorts of "functionality extenders", "managers", "configurators", "helpers" and drivers often integrate into other processes (with purely good intentions, as they seem to their developers) and lead to troubles.

We are constantly improving the quality of our software, working with a huge database of automatically sent crashes and sometimes see unrecoverable crashes, where strange DLL libraries are flashed, working in the address space of our programs.


The terminal has only one request: "create a regular TCP connection there". There is no relationship with deep-seated drivers or network managers.

MetaTrader 5 works even under Wine emulator in Linux (except for server test agent function).

Try to re-install the manager and see if its default settings will work.

Tried it, it didn't work. To be more precise, MT5 has been in permanent connection state for about 10 minutes, from time to time making sound of broken string. But there was no sound of successful connection yet.

P.S. It seems, that hardly the matter is in a command "create regular TCP contact there", MT4 in fact normally works. It means that they differ in some way, like in protocol, however, this is a developer's business.


I would like to install MT on a machine not connected to the internet.

Is there any way to download a full installer?


I would like to put the MT on a machine not connected to the internet.

Is there any way to download a full installer?

Just copy the entire folder of a terminal already installed somewhere on it

The installer is not needed at all.

PS. For example my terminal folders have already survived 2 reinstallations.

Документация по MQL5: Стандартные константы, перечисления и структуры / Состояние окружения / Состояние клиентского терминала
Документация по MQL5: Стандартные константы, перечисления и структуры / Состояние окружения / Состояние клиентского терминала
Стандартные константы, перечисления и структуры / Состояние окружения / Состояние клиентского терминала - Документация по MQL5