Errors, bugs, questions - page 3164

mktr8591 #:

Dear developers! Why in the second and third calls is (T* const Ptr) overloaded instead of (T* & Ptr)?

Is this a bug or a bug?

That's the way it's designed, the result of a cast operation cannot be passed by reference


I had the misfortune to download a free product.
I got sick and tired of getting notifications about updates. And there's no way to unsubscribe.

But the funny thing is, when you click on the link, you see this:

I understand that the product was just free and now it's paid for. But this has nothing to do with me.
Is there any way to stop this outrage.


Good afternoon!

This is kind of weird...


//|                                               SpotPipeServer.mq5 |
//|                                     Copyright 2022, prostotrader |
//|                                    |
#property copyright "Copyright 2022, prostotrader"
#property link      ""
#property version   "1.00"
#include "cnamedpipes.mqh"
CNamedPipe Pipe;
//| Expert initialization function                                   |
int OnInit()
  Print("Start server...");
 /* if(PositionSelect(Symbol()) == true)
    Pipe.out_data.spot_pos_type = PositionGetInteger(POSITION_TYPE);
    Pipe.out_data.spot_pos_vol = long(PositionGetDouble(POSITION_VOLUME));
    Pipe.out_data.spot_pos_type = 0;
    Pipe.out_data.spot_pos_vol = 0;
  bool is_server = Pipe.Create(Symbol());
  if(is_server == false)
    Print("Pipe not created!");
  Pipe.is_connect = Pipe.Connect();
  if(Pipe.is_connect == false)
    Print("Client not connected!");
    Print("Client connected.");
    if(Pipe.ReadData() == false)
      Print("Initial command not resived!");
        case C_ACCAUNT:
          Pipe.out_data.pipe_com = C_DONE;
          Pipe.out_data.ballance = AccountInfoDouble(ACCOUNT_BALANCE);
          Pipe.out_data.free_margine = AccountInfoDouble(ACCOUNT_MARGIN_FREE);
          if(PositionSelect(Symbol()) == true)
            Pipe.out_data.spot_pos_type = PositionGetInteger(POSITION_TYPE);
            Pipe.out_data.spot_pos_vol = long(PositionGetDouble(POSITION_VOLUME));
            Pipe.out_data.spot_pos_type = 0;
            Pipe.out_data.spot_pos_vol = 0;
          if(Pipe.WriteData(Pipe.out_data) == false)
            Print("Start data not send!");
          else Print("Initialization server done.");
//| Expert deinitialization function                                 |
void OnDeinit(const int reason)
  if(Pipe.is_connect = true)
//| Expert tick function                                             |


If there is a comment (lines 18-28), the program crashes.

2022.03.03 19:17:38.135 SpotPipeServer (GAZP,M1)        Start server...
2022.03.03 19:17:38.301 SpotPipeServer (GAZP,M1)        Access violation at 0x000007FEFCCA6A99 read to 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
2022.03.03 19:17:38.301 SpotPipeServer (GAZP,M1)           crash -->  000007 FEFCCA6A99 488 B4808          mov        rcx, [rax+0x8]
2022.03.03 19:17:38.301 SpotPipeServer (GAZP,M1)                      000007 FEFCCA6A9D 48898 C24A8000000  mov        [rsp+0xa8], rcx
2022.03.03 19:17:38.301 SpotPipeServer (GAZP,M1)                      000007 FEFCCA6AA5 44397010          cmp        [rax+0x10], r14d
2022.03.03 19:17:38.301 SpotPipeServer (GAZP,M1)                      000007 FEFCCA6AA9 0 F85D8F30000      jnz        dword 0x7fefccb5e87
2022.03.03 19:17:38.301 SpotPipeServer (GAZP,M1)        
2022.03.03 19:17:38.301 SpotPipeServer (GAZP,M1)                      000007 FEFCCA6AAF 4885 C9            test       rcx, rcx
2022.03.03 19:17:38.301 SpotPipeServer (GAZP,M1)                      000007 FEFCCA6AB2 0 F84DFF30000      jz         dword 0x7fefccb5e97
2022.03.03 19:17:38.301 SpotPipeServer (GAZP,M1)        
2022.03.03 19:17:38.301 SpotPipeServer (GAZP,M1)                      000007 FEFCCA6AB8 0 FBAE31F          bt         ebx, 0x1f
2022.03.03 19:17:38.301 SpotPipeServer (GAZP,M1)        
2022.03.03 19:17:38.301 SpotPipeServer (GAZP,M1)        00: 0x000007FEFCCA6A99
2022.03.03 19:17:38.301 SpotPipeServer (GAZP,M1)        01: 0x0000000000590B40
2022.03.03 19:17:38.301 SpotPipeServer (GAZP,M1)        02: 0x0000000014ACE4C0
2022.03.03 19:17:38.301 SpotPipeServer (GAZP,M1)        03: 0x0000000140DBD000
2022.03.03 19:17:38.301 SpotPipeServer (GAZP,M1)        04: 0x0000000000590183
2022.03.03 19:17:38.301 SpotPipeServer (GAZP,M1)        05: 0x0000000014ACE4C0
2022.03.03 19:17:38.301 SpotPipeServer (GAZP,M1)        06: 0x000000000059021F
2022.03.03 19:17:38.301 SpotPipeServer (GAZP,M1)        

If I uncomment it, it will crash.

The kernel32.dll is used to create Pipe

2022.03.03 19:15:04.363 Terminal Windows 7 Service Pack 1 build 7601, 12 x Intel Core i7-6850K @ 3.60GHz, 25 / 31 Gb memory, 85 / 238 Gb disk, admin, GMT+3


Added by

Build 3211


Good afternoon, dear developers. Can you tell me what the problem could be? PUSH-notifications stop working, and at different brokers. (Exactly the brokers not brokerage companies)

Gives out an error Notifications send request failed (connect failed)

I tried to re-install my brokerage firmware and I don't want to use new firmware. I tried to re-install it on my smartphone, it did not work.

Smartphone meizu note 9

WIN10 operating system

Stopped working literally a week ago. Can you advise me in what direction to dig?

Evgenii Akselrod #:

Good afternoon, dear developers. Can you tell me what the problem could be? PUSH-notifications stop working, and at different brokers. (Exactly the brokers not brokerage companies)

Gives out an error Notifications send request failed (connect failed)

I tried to re-install my brokerage firmware and I don't want to use new firmware. I tried to re-install it on my smartphone, it did not work.

Smartphone meizu note 9

WIN10 operating system

Stopped working literally a week ago. Any advice on where to look?

after reading your post i thought google banned (it's their thing), i checked my phone - it works.

and, PUSH does not depend on brokers/dts.

Zy. tried it on android 11


In the Forum and in the Discussion tabs of any of the products, the translator has stopped working. When you click on

instead of translating you get:

Andrey Dik #:

after reading your post i thought google had banned it (it's their thing), i checked with myself - it's working fine.

and, PUSH does not depend on brokers/dts.

I tried it on android 11.

Andrei, can we go to the personal for a more detailed analysis of my problem:)

Evgenii Akselrod #:

Andrei, can we go to a private message for a more detailed analysis of my problem?)

Of course we can, but if you provide more information on the problem here, maybe the developers will be more willing to respond.

Andrey Dik #:

You can, of course, but if you provide more information on the problem, maybe the developers will be more willing to respond.

for some reason i can't write to you in person..... maybe because i'm not friends?

Stanislau Siatsko #:

In the Forum and in the Discussion tabs of any of the products, the translator has stopped working. When you click on

instead of translation you get:

Yes, I confirm. It hasn't worked for a few days now.