Errors, bugs, questions - page 3143

Wizard #:
Good afternoon! Does the code need the line PositionSelectByTicket... If so, how do I write the ticket correctly inside it, using PositionGetTicket(i) or leave thePositionGetInteger(POSITION_TICKET) ? Thank you in advance!

Don't be rude... Doesn't the documentation clearly state

The function returns a position ticket by the index in the list of the open positions and automatically selects this position for further work with it

If the position is already selected, why re-select it with the PositionSelectByTicket function

Alexey Viktorov #:

Not to be rude... Doesn't the documentation clearly state

If the position is already selected, why re-select it with the PositionSelectByTicket function

Thank you for your reply! I wondered, because having looked in the <Trade/Trade.mqh> library, the PositionClose(const ulong ticket,const ulong deviation) function also uses PositionSelectByTicket. And the PositionClose( const ulong ticket,const ulong deviation ) function itself is often used by coders in combination with the loop for(int i = PositionsTotal()-1; i >= 0; i--) , looping through all the positions. And I'm wondering if I'm using an extra one somewhere.
Wizard #:
Hi, is the PositionSelectByTicket line required in the code... If so, how to correctly write a ticket inside it, through PositionGetTicket(i) or leavePositionGetInteger(POSITION_TICKET) ? Thanks in advance!
int IsPositions()
   int pos = 0;     
   int total = PositionsTotal();
   for(int i = total-1; i >= 0; i--)
      if(PositionGetString(POSITION_SYMBOL) == Symbol_T && PositionGetInteger(POSITION_MAGIC) == EXPERT_MAGIC)
         pos = (PositionGetInteger(POSITION_TYPE) == POSITION_TYPE_BUY) ? 1 : (PositionGetInteger(POSITION_TYPE) == POSITION_TYPE_SELL) ? -1 : 0;
Roman #:
Thank you! So PositionGetTicket(i) will be sufficient andPositionSelectByTicket will not be needed.
Wizard #:
Thank you for your answer! I started wondering, because having looked in the <Trade/Trade.mqh> library, the PositionClose(const ulong ticket,const ulong deviation) function also uses PositionSelectByTicket. And the PositionClose( const ulong ticket,const ulong deviation ) function itself is often used by coders in combination with the loop for(int i = PositionsTotal()-1; i >= 0; i--) , looping through all the positions. And I'm wondering if I'm using an extra one somewhere.

The PositionClose(const ulong ticket,const ulong deviation) function in the library receives a ticket of the position to be closed, but nobody knows how the ticket was received or if the position exists.

Therefore PositionSelectByTicket mostly checks if there is something to close. And why have you decided that all positions are often closed in the loop? Not necessarily...

Alexey Viktorov #:

The PositionClose(const ulong ticket,const ulong deviation) function in the library receives a ticket of the position to be closed, but nobody knows how the ticket was received and whether the position exists.

Therefore PositionSelectByTicket mainly checks if there is something to close. And why have you decided that all positions are often closed in the loop? Not necessarily...

Yes, I get it all now. I've recently had one EA, I've written it following your example (with averages) from one forum, combining it with Timur Mashnin's code. Now I've decided to change conditions there and rewrite them a bit, replacing everything with system functions, without libraries. If with a simple PositionSelect everything was very simple, one position - one choice, then with the loop here of course I need more considerations and logic.


Can you please help me

with the code.

Made an indicator in the tester works properly

When I put it on the chart it does not show correctly

Can't figure out why it's wrong.

//|                                                        Oscil.mq5 |
//|                                  Copyright 2021, MetaQuotes Ltd. |
//|                                    |
#property copyright "Copyright 2021, MetaQuotes Ltd."
#property link      ""
#property version   "1.00"
#property indicator_separate_window
#property  indicator_buffers 5
#property indicator_plots   5

#property  indicator_color1  clrNONE
#property  indicator_color2  clrRoyalBlue
#property  indicator_color3  clrPink
#property  indicator_color4  clrAqua
#property  indicator_color5  clrYellow

#property  indicator_width1 1
#property  indicator_width2 5
#property  indicator_width3 5
#property  indicator_width4 5
#property  indicator_width5 5

double MainLine[];
double UpLine[];
double DnLine[];
double muls[];
double x,y,z;
double price;
double mulSum=0;
double Pi   = 3.1415926535;
bool LastUp = false;
bool GoUp   = false;
input bool otl    = false;
int    Length             = 3;
int    MajorRangeStrength = 4;

double MajorRangeBuy[];
double MajorRangeSell[];

double RangePrice  = 0.0,
       SweepB      = 0.0;
int    Switch2     = 0,
         SwitchB     = 0;
double Price2BuyA  = 0.0;
int    Price2BuyB  = 1.0;
double Price2SellA = 0.0;
int    Price2SellB = 0.0;
bool   BuySwitchB  = false,
       SellSwitchB = false;
int hendlMA_1;
double MA_1[];

int hendlMA_2;
double MA_2[];
//| Custom indicator initialization function                         |
int OnInit()
//--- indicator buffers mapping
   PlotIndexSetDouble(0, PLOT_EMPTY_VALUE, 0);
   ArraySetAsSeries(MainLine, true);
   PlotIndexSetDouble(1, PLOT_EMPTY_VALUE, 0);
   ArraySetAsSeries(UpLine, true);
   PlotIndexSetDouble(2, PLOT_EMPTY_VALUE, 0);
   ArraySetAsSeries(DnLine, true);
   PlotIndexSetDouble(3, PLOT_EMPTY_VALUE, 0);
   ArraySetAsSeries(MajorRangeBuy, true);
   PlotIndexSetDouble(4, PLOT_EMPTY_VALUE, 0);
   ArraySetAsSeries(MajorRangeSell, true);
   ArrayResize(muls, 99);
   mulSum = 0;
   for (int i0 = 0; i0 < 98; i0++) {//повторяем в цикле 98 раз
      if (i0 <= 18) y = 1.0 * i0 / 18; //если это первые 18 повторений
      else y = (i0 - 18) * 7.0 / 79.0 + 1.0; //иначе
      x = MathCos(Pi * y);
      z = 1.0 / (3.0 * Pi * y + 1.0);
      if (y <= 0.5) z = 1;
      muls[i0] = z * x;
      mulSum += muls[i0];
   if(otl)Print(" Распределение создано muls[20]=",muls[20]);
//| Custom indicator iteration function                              |
int OnCalculate(const int rates_total,
                const int prev_calculated,
                const datetime &time[],
                const double &open[],
                const double &high[],
                const double &low[],
                const double &close[],
                const long &tick_volume[],
                const long &volume[],
                const int &spread[])
  if (PeriodSeconds() <60*60 || PeriodSeconds() >10080*60) return(0);
   int depth=0;

   int l_ind_counted_8 = prev_calculated; //Возвращает количество баров, не измененных после последнего вызова индикатора.
   int bars=Bars(Symbol(),PERIOD_CURRENT);
   if (l_ind_counted_8 < 0) return (0);
   if (l_ind_counted_8 == 0)
         depth = bars - 98;
         for(int a=0;a<bars;a++)
               MainLine[a] = 0;
               UpLine[a] = 0;
               DnLine[a] = 0;
   if (l_ind_counted_8 > 0)  depth = bars - l_ind_counted_8;
   if(otl)Print(" количество баров, не измененных после последнего вызова индикатора= ",l_ind_counted_8,"  Количество баров на текущем графике Bars=",bars,"  depth= ",depth);
   if (l_ind_counted_8 < 1) {
      for (int i2 = 1; i2 < 100; i2++) {
         MainLine[bars - i2] = 0;
         UpLine[bars - i2] = 0;
         DnLine[bars - i2] = 0;
   for (int i1 = depth; i1 >= 0; i1--) 
      price = 0;
      for (int i2 = 0; i2 <= 98; i2++) 
            if(i2 + i1>=bars)break;
            price += muls[i2] * MA_1[i2 + i1];
      if (mulSum > 0.0) MainLine[i1] = price / mulSum;

     GoUp=MainLine[i1 + 1] > MainLine[i1] ;
      if (GoUp) 
         if (!LastUp) DnLine[i1+1] = MainLine[i1+1];
         DnLine[i1] = MainLine[i1];
         UpLine[i1] = 0;
         if (LastUp) UpLine[i1+1] = MainLine[i1+1];
         UpLine[i1] = MainLine[i1];
         DnLine[i1] = 0;

   }//  for (int i1

 //  return (0);

/***************** Range **********************/

  int counted_bars=prev_calculated;
  if(otl)Print(" Range counted_bars = ", counted_bars);
   if(counted_bars<0) return(-1);
   int position=bars-counted_bars;
   if (position<0) position=0;
   if (position==0) position=1;
   int rnglength = 250;
   double range = 0.0, srange = 0.0;
   if(otl) Print(" position=",position);
   for (int pos = position; pos >=0; pos--)
   {/***************** MAIN Range **********************/
      srange = 0.0;
      int j = 0;
      for (int i=0;i<rnglength;i++)
         int posr = pos + i;
         if (posr >= bars) break; 
         srange = srange + (High(posr) - Low(posr));
      range = srange / j * Length;
      int BarNumber = bars-pos; //??????????
      if (BarNumber < 0)  BarNumber = 0;
          //Print(bars," - ",pos);
      if(pos<bars)RangePrice = MA_2[pos];  //Moving Average MODE_SMMA
      else RangePrice = MA_2[pos-1];

      if (BarNumber == 1)
         SweepB  = range *  MajorRangeStrength;
         Price2BuyA = RangePrice;
         Price2SellA = RangePrice;

      if (BarNumber > 1)

         if (Switch2  >  - 1)//проверка цикла на покупку
            if (RangePrice < Price2BuyA) //если средняя цена ниже
if (BuySwitchB ) MajorRangeBuy [pos +BarNumber - Price2BuyB] = 0;                                                                //OUT
                           Price2BuyA = RangePrice;
               Price2BuyB = BarNumber;
               BuySwitchB = true;
            else if (RangePrice > Price2BuyA)
                            SwitchB = BarNumber - Price2BuyB;
MajorRangeBuy [pos +SwitchB] = MainLine[pos + SwitchB]*1.0005;                                                                                                                          //OUT
                BuySwitchB = true;

                              if (RangePrice - MA_2[pos + SwitchB] >= SweepB && SwitchB >= 1)
                     Switch2 =  - 1;
                     Price2SellA = RangePrice;
                     Price2SellB = BarNumber;
                     SellSwitchB = false;
                     BuySwitchB = false;
         if (Switch2  < 1)//проверка цикла на продажу
            if (RangePrice  > Price2SellA )
if (pos +BarNumber - Price2SellB<bars&&SellSwitchB ) MajorRangeSell [pos +BarNumber - Price2SellB] = 0;                                                         //OUT
                           Price2SellA = RangePrice;
               Price2SellB = BarNumber;
               SellSwitchB = true;
                       else if (RangePrice < Price2SellA)
               SwitchB = BarNumber - Price2SellB ;

         if(pos+ SwitchB<bars)MajorRangeSell[pos + SwitchB] =MainLine[pos + SwitchB]*1.0005;                                                                                                                             //OUT
                SellSwitchB = true;             
                              if (pos + SwitchB<bars&&MA_2[pos + SwitchB] - RangePrice >= SweepB && SwitchB >= 1)
                                     Switch2 = 1;
                     Price2BuyA = RangePrice;
                     Price2BuyB = BarNumber;
                     SellSwitchB = false;
                     BuySwitchB = false;

   //   MajorRangeSell[pos] = 0;
    //  MajorRangeBuy[pos]  = 0;  
//--- return value of prev_calculated for next call
double High(int index)
   if(index < 0) return(-1);
   double Arr[];
   if(CopyHigh(Symbol(),timeframe, index, 1, Arr)>0) 
   else return(-1);
double Low(int index)
   if(index < 0) return(-1);
   double Arr[];
   if(CopyLow(Symbol(),timeframe, index, 1, Arr)>0) 
   else return(-1);

What is returned to MqlTradeCheckResult structure?

It is written in the documentation that "The amount of margin required for the required trade operation".




Return code


Balance value that will be after the trade is executed


Value ofequity, which will be after the execution of the trade


Value of floating profit that will be after the execution of the trade


The amount of margin required for the required trade operation


The amount of equity that will be left after the execution of the required trade


The level of margin to be set after the execution of the required trade


Comment to the response code, error description

But what is actually obtained is the size of the total margin, current and plus the one that will be taken after the operation is executed.

Here is the script

#include <Trade\Trade.mqh>
CTrade trade;
  MqlTradeRequest           my_request;
  MqlTradeCheckResult       my_check_result;
  MqlTick                   mqlTick;
//| Script program start function                                    |
void OnStart()
  SymbolInfoTick(_Symbol, mqlTick);
  CheckOrder(0.01, ORDER_TYPE_SELL);
  trade.PositionOpen(_Symbol, ORDER_TYPE_SELL, 0.01,, 0.0, 0.0);
  CheckOrder(0.01, ORDER_TYPE_SELL);

bool CheckOrder(double volume, ENUM_ORDER_TYPE order_type)
  if(order_type != ORDER_TYPE_BUY && order_type != ORDER_TYPE_SELL)
    return false;
  bool checkOrder = false;
//--- setting my_request
  my_request.action = TRADE_ACTION_DEAL;
  my_request.symbol = _Symbol;
  my_request.volume = volume;
  my_request.type   = order_type;
  my_request.price  = order_type == ORDER_TYPE_BUY ? mqlTick.ask :;
  checkOrder = ::OrderCheck(my_request, my_check_result);
  if(my_check_result.retcode != 0)

and the result of execution

2022.02.01 10:11:28.002 Test bag (EURUSD,H1)    2.25
2022.02.01 10:11:28.108 Test bag (EURUSD,H1)    4.5

While there are no open positions in the account my_check_result.margin equals margin for the open position with lot 0.01, and when there is already 0.01 in the account the margin for lot 0.02

Test_bag.mq5  5 kb
Alexey Viktorov #:

But what you actually get is the size of the total margin, current and plus that which will be taken after this operation is done.


MarginOpen = CheckResult.margin - ::AccountInfoDouble(ACCOUNT_MARGIN); // Маржа для открытия.
fxsaber #:


Let it be so, but then it should be the same in the documentation.

If balans is the value of the balance that will be after the trade is done

then margin - should be. Margin value, which will be after the trade is executed