Errors, bugs, questions - page 3139

WorthyVII #:

Why cant we do this?

cannot cast function 'someFunction' to type 'TFunc'.

TFunc and someFunction have different parameters.

Ilyas # :

TFunc and someFunction have different parameters.

Wow thank you. That took me way too long.

Citizens respected gentlemen. What are these infernal bounces? And why are there no bounces on some bars and others?

x572intraday #:

Citizens respected gentlemen. What are these infernal bounces? And why are they absent on some bars and present on others?

Menu - Tools - Settings


Set the required magnetization in the opened window (Graphics tab). 0 - objects are not magnetized at all.

Mihail Matkovskij #:

Menu - Tools - Settings

Set the required magnetisation in the opened window (Graphics tab). 0 - objects are not magnetized at all.

You can see, if you look carefully, that the same settings (10 magnetization) gives magneticization on some bars and not on the others.

Moreover, if you change the size of the terminal window, these bounces either disappear altogether, or go to some other bar, and on the former disappear.

Annoyingly, the hype failed to clearly show that the LCM was released each time the vertical line was moved (at each stop) and there were no bounces. On the other bars, there were. WTF?!
x572intraday #:

So if you have looked carefully, with the same settings (Magnetisation: 10) it is present on some bars and not on others. ...

I personally don't need the magnetisation and set it to 0. You can ask what might be wrong with it here:

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Mihail Matkovskij #:

Menu - Tools - Settings

Set the required magnetisation in the opened window (Graphics tab). 0 - objects are not magnetised at all.

This is not magnetisation. This is an accurate timeline
x572intraday #:

Citizens respected gentlemen. What are these infernal bounces? And why are there no bounces on some bars and others?

In the chart settings, tick the box for the exact timeline. Then there won't be any "bounces" anywhere

Strange, why in the Buy tester the price goes one point above the take profit but does not close the position? Could it depend on some settings on the broker's side?

Stop Loss worked fine).

The video is one minute long:
Slava #:
In the chart settings, check the box for accurate timeline. Then there won't be any "bounce" anywhere

So she was. It still is. And the weird thing is that the behaviour on different bars is different at constant settings. It may change when the window is resized.