Errors, bugs, questions - page 3134

Mihail Matkovskij #:

But when I test one of my multisymbol indicators, it loads the list of symbols from the string in the input parameters into OnInit. and their prices are accessed in OnCalculate. Moreover, when I set to load symbols from Market Watch, only one basic symbol appears in the tester.

I have all symbols appear and the quotes go. The momentary problem is when

SymbolInfoDouble("EURUSD",SYMBOL_BID,dataEURUSD) gets data from the adjacent SymbolInfoDouble("EURGBP",SYMBOL_BID,dataEURGBP)

Yury Lemeshev #:

It doesn't solve the problem of the original


have you tried it?

or have you tried calling CopyTime or CopyClose in OnTick, for example?

Yury Lemeshev #:

I have all the symbols appear and the quotes go. The momentary problem is when

SymbolInfoDouble("EURUSD",SYMBOL_BID,dataEURUSD) gets data from adjacent SymbolInfoDouble("EURGBP",SYMBOL_BID,dataEURGBP)

how did you determine this?

Mihail Matkovskij #:

how did you determine that?

2021.12.31 22:14:19.912 2019.01.24 18:50:10 -2117- EURGBP 0.86994
2021.12.31 22:14:19.912 2019.01.24 18:50:10-2117- EURGBP 1.5969
Yury Lemeshev #:
2021.12.31 22:14:19.912 2019.01.24 18:50:10 -2117- EURGBP 0.86994
2021.12.31 22:14:19.912 2019.01.24 18:50:10-2117- EURGBP 1.5969

so you mean you access the same symbol 2 times in 1 tick and get different data? and2117, this is the line number as far as i understand?

Mihail Matkovskij #:

So you're saying that you access the same character twice in 1 tick and get different data? And2117 is the line number as I understand it?

2117 is a line number. Each line is a separate tick. In each tick I ask for EURGBP bit. But also in every tick I request prices for other 6 currencies. And at some moment the price does not come from needed symbol, so I set another price from another symbol, instead of 0 or -1, or something else.

If the EA is not multi-currency, it will not be a problem
Yury Lemeshev #:
If the EA is not multi-currency, there will be no such problem

It doesn't work like that.
A properly written programme will work correctly.

Yury Lemeshev #:

I am experiencing this problem in the MT5 tester.

Working with multiple currencies, data is occasionally swapped from another currency. Check the tester. Please correct it.

The first value isSymbolInfoDouble(symbol,SYMBOL_BID);

As if it cannot receive pricesSymbolInfoDouble(EURGBP,SYMBOL_BID); and takes value from another pair which is in work. Is there a way to check if the quote is correct?

Is there a way to check if the quote is correct?

Vitaly Muzichenko #:

It doesn't work like that.
A properly written programme will work correctly.

Not unless it is a bug.