Errors, bugs, questions - page 2951


Then I'm a lousy marketer.

reincarnate your first nickname )


Can you tell me how to determine the most advantageous location of your VPS by the name of the MT5 server?

IP addresses are not available, unfortunately.

Борьба за миллисекунды. Как выбрать сервер с наименьшим пингом
Борьба за миллисекунды. Как выбрать сервер с наименьшим пингом
Для многих задач задержки между клиентом и сервером критически важны, например в онлайн играх, видео/голосовых конференциях, IP телефонии, VPN и т.д. Если сервер будет слишком удален от клиента на уровне IP-сети, то задержки (в народе «пинг», «лаг») будут мешать работе. Географическая близость сервера не всегда равна близости на уровне IP...

Can you tell me how to determine the most advantageous location of your VPS by the name of the MT5 server?

IP addresses are not available, unfortunately.

There is no way to do it directly.

1. go to a broker, maybe they will give up at least a city

2. mq + webrequest, suitable for mass locations such as london. hosting itself is looking for the closest point, webrequest to know the ip

3. any windup hosting with a wide range of locations and triangulation

4. just try London ld4, there is a non-zero chance of immediate luck
Andrei Trukhanovich:

there is no way to do it directly.

2. hosting from mq + webrequest, suitable for mass locations like london. hosting itself searches for the closest point, webrequest to find out ip

Take one day free VPS from MQ. From there, do a WebRequest to find the IP of the VPS. Then look for your VPS, close to VPS_MQ. Thanks.


You need to define in the EA at the start-up stage whether it is run in the standard way or via a template.

Any thoughts on solving this problem? A subtask has arisen in the process of determining the lifetime of the chart - when it was created.

Andrei Trukhanovich:

There is no way to do it directly.

1. contact a broker, maybe they will give up at least the cities

2. hosting from mq + webrequest, suitable for mass locations such as london. hosting itself is looking for the closest point, webrequest to know ip

3. any windup hosting with a wide range of locations and triangulation

4. just try London ld4, there is a non-zero chance of immediate luck

Some brokers for the sake of protection against dos attacks hide or do not put access points in the datacenter with trading servers but move them to another provider. Sometimes to another country or continent.

This results in a wild situation where the minimum ping to the server is in the tens or hundreds of milliseconds.

In the next release of MT5 we are releasing broker-sponsored VPS hosting and for the sake of minimizing network latency we are explicitly pointing out to brokers the misconfiguration of access points.

We hope that some brokers will correct their network configurations.

Renat Fatkhullin:


Hopefully some brokers will fix their network configurations.

And can we hope for open access to information about those who have fixed?


You need to define in the EA at the start-up stage whether it is run in the standard way or via a template.

Any thoughts on solving this problem?

It will probably depend on the application

the first thing that comes to mind is a spyware program, some kind of indicator on the chart that will say "oops" during deinitialization because of the template application?

or a service spy that will track the chart by ChardID and output if there were changes in the chart?...although, most likely the use of patterns can't be calculated that way

If you are a developer of a template, then you can try to analyze how MQL-programs registered in a template are started, who starts faster - indicators or EA and try to make some actions from this MQL-program that would mean usage of template.

Igor Makanu:

If you are a template creator, you may try to analyze how MQL-programs registered in a template are started and who is faster to start - indicators or EA and try to make some actions from this MQL-program meaning application of the template, i.e. there should be some MQL-programs in one template.

Interesting idea, thank you.


Please fix this bug. MQL5 does not allow using some built-in enums as generic parameters, for example: ENUM_CHART_PROPERTY_DOUBLE, ENUM_CHART_PROPERTY_STRING.

There is no problem with custom enum's and other embedded ones.

#include <Generic\HashMap.mqh>
enum TEST_ENUM {
void OnStart()
   CHashMap<ENUM_CHART_PROPERTY_INTEGER,int> mapI;    // эта срока компилируется без ошибок
   CHashMap<ENUM_CHART_PROPERTY_DOUBLE,double> mapD;  // здесь ошибки компиляции: 'NULL' - cannot convert enum  HashMap.mqh     21      39. 'NULL' - cannot convert enum        HashMap.mqh     462     30
   CHashMap<ENUM_CHART_PROPERTY_STRING,string> mapS;  // здесь ошибки компиляции: 'NULL' - cannot convert enum  HashMap.mqh     21      39. 'NULL' - cannot convert enum        HashMap.mqh     462     30
   CHashMap<TEST_ENUM,double> mapE;    // эта срока компилируется без ошибок
