Errors, bugs, questions - page 2917


Thank you so much!!! I haven't fully read about these Event Handling Functions, makes life easier for the proger)

Just pay attention to the object names when creating them. In my case, the name consists of 3 substring with a space. And there is no check for this. If you create some object name will consist of 2, for example substring, or even worse, without spaces, then we get a critical error and EA will be unloaded. And this can happen if the object is created by some other program (other EA or indicator). So if you need to do a name check to avoid such errors.

Or remove old name altogether and make it with your own prefix

/***********************OnChartEvent function************************/
void OnChartEvent(const int id,         // идентификатор события
                  const long& lparam,   // параметр события типа long
                  const double& dparam, // параметр события типа double
                  const string& sparam  // параметр события типа string
    ulong timeCreate = ObjectGetInteger(0, sparam, OBJPROP_CREATETIME); //  получим время создания объекта
    string newName = "fibka"+string(timeCreate); //  сформируем новое имя объекта
    ObjectSetString(0, sparam, OBJPROP_NAME, newName);  //  переименуем объект
Alexey Viktorov:

Just pay attention to the object names when you create them. In my case, the name consists of 3 substrings separated by a space. And there is no check for this. If at creation of any object name will consist of 2, for example substring or even worse without spaces, we will get critical error and unload EA. And this can happen if the object is created by some other program (other EA or indicator). So if you need to do a name check to avoid such errors.

Or remove old name altogether and make it with your own prefix

Okay, thanks again!!! How long have you been coding in mql? Just from this bit of code you can see your excellent competence)))) That's awesome!!!

I type THIS in MetaEditor using the touchscreen keyboard. Preliminarily (to always switch to uppercase) double-press the up arrow on the touch keyboard (analogous to Shift)


Expected: THIS

In Notepad and typing the text on the website the result is as expected

I've added another picture - which keyboard is selected in Windows 10


I type THIS in MetaEditor using the touchscreen keyboard. Preliminarily (to always switch to uppercase) double-press the up arrow on the touch keyboard (analogous to Shift)


Expected: THIS

In Notepad and typing the website the result is as expected

7ka Virtual keyboard with captcha. Pressing Shift key twice does not work either. The caption works. Both in metaeditor and in the rare EmEditor notepad.

Is the shifter highlighted after 2 keystrokes?

Valeriy Yastremskiy:

7ka Virtual.keyboard with capsule. 2 shifter presses don't work either. The caption works. Both in metaeditor and in the rare EmEditor notepad.

Is the shifter lit up after 2 presses?

Don't get confused - it's a different keyboard - it has Caps. And "two shifts" don't work here because it has Caps. Try pressing Caps there... it working? No? Right - because it's not there and it's replaced by "two shifters" - all things considered!

Moreover, H is also typed in uppercase, which is only reset at the 3rd character - so it's not the keyboard, but MetaEditor


Don't get confused - this is a different keyboard - it has Caps. And the "two shifters" don't work here because they have Caps. Try pressing Caps there... is it working? No? That's right - because it's not there and it's replaced by "two shifters" - all things considered!

What's more, H is also typed in uppercase, which is only reset at the 3rd character - so it's not the keyboard, it's MetaEditor's fault

Yes, a couple of characters and a case change, something is wrong.

On 10 I have not started the keyboard at all).

On 7 as I understood there is no such setting, the setting that you have, it is for the tablet, without caps.

Valeriy Yastremskiy:

Yes, a couple of characters and a change of case, something's wrong.

On my 10 I couldn't get the keyboard to work at all ).

It needs to be switched on.

A regular keyboard is only needed for typing large texts and it takes a lot of space on the table. Typing on the touch keyboard with a mouse is optimal for other cases. Moreover, there is never any confusion with case and language and it doesn't break.


It needs to be switched on.

A standard keyboard is only needed for typing in large texts and it takes up a lot of space. Typing on a touchscreen keyboard with a mouse is optimal for the rest of the time. Besides, there's never any confusion with case and language, and it doesn't break.

I have a regular does not start (did not know that two, spas), panel is started, in 4ka in the meta-editor works perfectly.

ZS And in the 5k normally works.

Only without installing on the computer ran. Got to installation folders on another computer over the network and started MetaEditor.

Keyboard typed THIS. There may still be a substitution trigger, but oddly, it would change the case completely to small.


I am fine in MetaEditor 2085 too, but in MetaEditor 2715 there is a bug

Bug in 2715, I'm fine in 2660.

Valeriy Yastremskiy:

Bug in 2715, I'm fine in 2660.