Errors, bugs, questions - page 2896


Couldn't find any statistics on the Marketplace. So a question for sellers of cross-platform products.

Do MT5 versions really sell better than MT4?

You can take Freelance as a basis, lately more and more work under mt5

Time goes by fast (very fast), so really you have to take the mt5 as a reference point. It's like a pendulum - it swings a long time, but then you can't stop, which you can already see.

You need to be able to print out the text of the macros.
#define OnTick OnTick2

The log needs to be output

OnTick = OnTick2

Does the language allow you to do this?

You need to be able to print the text of macros.

The log needs to be output

Does the language allow you to do this?

It depends on what language? C++ allows it because macros work properly there and you can build any expression you need (unlike MQL). Although I remember that you repeatedly tried to prove the opposite

#ifdef __cplusplus
#define  MACRO1(X)	#X "=" MACRO2(X)
#define  MACRO2(X)	#X
void OnStart()
        printf( "%s", MACRO1( OnTick ));

Result: OnTick = OnTick2


Does it depend on which one? C++ allows, because macros work properly there and you can build any expression you want (unlike MQL). Although I remember that you repeatedly tried to prove the opposite

Result: OnTick = OnTick2.

Thank you. This may be corrected.


Thank you. Perhaps they will.

If they did, they would have corrected it long ago - I wrote about it many times before in one form or another - here is the latest message

Forum on trading, automated trading systems and testing of trading strategies

Bugs, bugs, questions

A100, 2020.07.30 02:25

I think it's not even the priority but fundamentally wrong macro sequence:

and it was expected to be OK - as in C++

Forum on trading, automated trading systems and testing trading strategies

Errors, bugs, questions

A100, 2020.07.30 10:53

In C++ macros are designed in such a way that any requisite result can be projected, while in MQL it turns out that not any result can be projected

Is this a bug or should it be?
// Находим крипт-методы, в которых не работает шифрование с ключем.

void OnStart()
  const string Str = "Hello World!"; // Строка, которую будем шифровать/дешивровывать.

  uchar BytesStr[];

  StringToCharArray(Str, BytesStr); // Перевели строку в байты
  uchar KeyDecode[];
  uchar KeyEncode[];
  StringToCharArray("qwer", KeyDecode); // Задали код для шифровки
  StringToCharArray("asdf", KeyEncode); // Задали ДРУГОЙ код для расшифровки
  for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) // Перебираем все штатный методы шифровки
    const ENUM_CRYPT_METHOD Method = (ENUM_CRYPT_METHOD)i; // Текущий метод шифровки
    uchar BytesDecode[];
    uchar BytesEncode[];    
    CryptEncode(Method, BytesStr, KeyEncode, BytesEncode);    // Зашифровали
    CryptDecode(Method, BytesEncode, KeyDecode, BytesDecode); // Расшифровали
    Print("Crypt method " + EnumToString(Method) + " is bug - " + (string)(CharArrayToString(BytesDecode) == Str)); // Сообщаем о наличии/отсутствии бага.


        Crypt method CRYPT_BASE64 is bug - true
        Crypt method CRYPT_AES128 is bug - false
        Crypt method CRYPT_AES256 is bug - false
        Crypt method CRYPT_DES is bug - false
        Crypt method CRYPT_HASH_SHA1 is bug - false
        Crypt method CRYPT_HASH_SHA256 is bug - false
        Crypt method CRYPT_HASH_MD5 is bug - false
        Crypt method CRYPT_ARCH_ZIP is bug - true

Encryption forCRYPT_BASE64 andCRYPT_ARCH_ZIP does not work.


Couldn't find any statistics on the Marketplace. So a question for sellers of cross-platform products.

Do MT5 versions really sell better than MT4?

Not at the moment, rather than yes. But there is a trend towards 5, of course.


Это баг или так и должно быть?

Encryption for CRYPT_BASE64 and CRYPT_ARCH_ZIP does not work.

They have combined fundamentally different methods into one function - that's why it seems like a bug

Therecannot be any key in CRYPT_BASE64


Are the MT5 versions really selling better than MT4?

definitely not. but while there used to be an order of magnitude difference, now the numbers are more comparable


Different methods are combined into one function in principle - that's why it looks like a bug

Therecannot be any key in CRYPT_BASE64 in principle

Thank you. It turns out that the problem is only in ZIP.