Errors, bugs, questions - page 2715

Evgeny Vlasov:

))) What's got you all so jammed up? I understand that everyone considers themselves programmers who are alien to human communication, but to communicate with people and hope for some semblance of understanding is meaningless, starting phrases like: "You should know by now ...", "Learn to work ...". The forum is not about dealing with documentation - it's about finding your bearings quickly, relying on the knowledge and experience of your Fellow colleagues. It is colleagues, not those who think they can teach everyone around them what to do. What is the world coming to... Good day to you all).

If you would read the forum more often, you would frequently encounter too many questions, the answers to which can only be copied from documentation or send to read the original. So they habitually send them to us without asking if and how often they read the documentation. And sometimes they are sent by those who were sent yesterday.


No, I'm practicing my communication here with the disgruntled, please don't stop.

When a person writes "please don't stop" it means that their limit is exhausted, they have nothing to say and their opponent is right. By the way, do you always answer questions you haven't been asked? Ah, sorry, I forgot - your limit is exhausted. You don't have to answer.)

Evgeny Vlasov:

When a person writes "please don't stop" it means that his limit is exhausted, he has nothing to say and his opponent is right. By the way, do you always answer questions you haven't been asked? Ah, sorry, I forgot - your limit is exhausted. You don't have to answer.)

"Please don't stop" is the first time I've used that, but it's true,

Artyom Trishkin:

I have written above the reasons for such a referral.

Did something, somewhere, happen to you too?

You can go there too.

Artyom, you don't have to overdo it.

If I say that the formula gives result 4, nothing will change when I post its code!

If yesterday the formula ( int x = mFunc(2*2) ) gave an answer 4, and today it gives an answer 5, then I don't need to post this formula for community analysis.

I'm just asking why the working code has suddenly become non-functional. And that implies that there has been an explicit/implicit change in MT that we "forgot" to be warned about (?).

Сергей Таболин:

Artyom, don't overdo it.

If I say that the formula gives result 4, nothing will change if I post its code!

If yesterday the formula ( int x = mFunc(2*2) ) gave result 4, and today it gives result 5, then there is no need for me to post this formula for community analysis.

I'm just asking why the working code has suddenly become non-functional. And it implies that there were explicit/implicit changes in MT that we "forgot" to be warned about (?).

Sergiy, didn't you get different results in the tester then? And until Renat came in with his questions, for some reason you were unable to solve the problem yourself

For serious work, there is a second terminal in the system, with a rarely updated build, you can check your crazy "bugs" there, but you need to learn to find errors in using MT itself without Renat.

Сергей Таболин:

Artyom, don't overdo it.

If I say that the formula gives result 4, nothing will change if I post its code!

If yesterday the formula ( int x = mFunc(2*2) ) gave result 4, and today it gives result 5, then there is no need for me to post this formula for community analysis.

I'm just asking why the working code has suddenly become non-functional. And it implies that there were explicit/implicit changes in MT, of which we "forgot" to be warned (?).

Sergey, apparently a programming challenge is just right for you:

Pinocchio was given four apples. He ate one. How many apples did Pinocchio have left?

Alexey Viktorov:

Sergei, apparently a programming problem is just right for you:

Pinocchio was given four apples. He ate one. How many apples does he have left?

The programmer will first null Pinocchio and then count. the answer to the problem is undefined.
why can an alert be triggered before the assigned price?
why can an alert be triggered before the set price is reached?

bid or ask has reached

Сергей Таболин:

Artyom, don't overdo it.

If I say that the formula gives result 4, nothing will change if I post its code!

If yesterday the formula ( int x = mFunc(2*2) ) gave result 4, and today it gives result 5, then there is no need for me to post this formula for community analysis.

I'm just asking why the working code has suddenly become non-functional. And that implies that there has been an explicit/implicit change in MT that we "forgot" to be warned about (?).

I seem to have a lot to think about. So on the contrary - on the forum I am relaxing and resting just the same.

But... There are no miracles.
And if something happened to someone else's code, then (of course!) MetaQuotes is to be blamed first and foremost... It's a local habit - the mantra: don't get it wrong...

First of all I start to decipher my own code. And (oh my god) errors or unrecorded situations leading to them are always there.

And I can not remember a situation where a bug introduced to the beta by developers prevented something - always in time to notice them (the bugs) messages in the appropriate branches, and just took time to update. Here's the truth - I have never (or can not remember - and this also says a lot - not in the sense of sclerosis of course) that the developers caused my codes fell down.