Errors, bugs, questions - page 2510


Hello all. Problem withCopyRates/CopyClose - doesn't copy enough.

MqlRates mrate[];
double clss [];
int maxbars = TerminalInfoInteger(TERMINAL_MAXBARS);
int copied = CopyRates(_Symbol,_Period,1,10000,mrate);
int copcls = CopyClose(_Symbol,_Period,1,10000,clss);


maxbars = 10000000;

copied = 5984, copcls = 5984 instead of 10000


Hello all. Problem with CopyRates/CopyClose - doesn't copy enough.


maxbars = 10000000;

copied = 5984, copcls = 5984 instead of 10000

The problem is understanding.

You can set 100000000 bars in the terminal, but not necessarily this number will be on the server.

You can check the number of available timeseries bars with Bars()


Dear developers, how is it possible that in the current brent futures (BR-8.19) the combination of flags TICK_FLAG_SELL+TICK_FLAG_VOL+TICK_FLAG_LAST = 88 and in the far future (BR-9.19) the same combination of flags gives the value 344?

Similarly, the combination of TICK_FLAG_BUY+TICK_FLAG_VOL+TICK_FLAG_LAST on the current futures BR-8.19 = 56, and on the far one it is 312?

Are there any flags missing from the documentation?

//| Получаем строковые значения флага                                                                                   |
string GetStringFlag( const uint flags )
         string text = "";
    if( ( flags&TICK_FLAG_BUY ) == TICK_FLAG_BUY )                                      
         text += "|BUY|";
    if( ( flags&TICK_FLAG_SELL ) == TICK_FLAG_SELL )                                                                                                                                            
         text += "|SELL|";
    if( ( flags&TICK_FLAG_VOLUME ) == TICK_FLAG_VOLUME )                                                                                                                                                
         text += "|VOL|";
    if( ( flags&TICK_FLAG_LAST ) == TICK_FLAG_LAST )
         text += "|LAST|";
    if( ( flags&TICK_FLAG_ASK ) == TICK_FLAG_ASK )
         text += "|ASK|";
    if( ( flags&TICK_FLAG_BID ) == TICK_FLAG_BID )
         text += "|BID|";
    return( text );
Build 2085, real openers.
Artyom Trishkin:

The problem is understanding.

You can set 100000000 bars in the terminal, but not necessarily that many on the server.

You can check the number of available timeseries bars using Bars()

Can I ask you another question?

If the history is loaded and stored locally, is there any way to increase the number of available bars?


Hello Developers!

Please add a feature to filter parameters in the "Optimisation" tab. For example, when "Optimization" was done and we got a lot of results, it would be possible to filter out unwanted results by any conditions.

(Now it is not convenient to work with results in MT5 Optimization, there is a simple ranking of results and very few parameters are displayed, there are no such parameters as "average transaction" "max drawdown in pips", etc.)

Even in TSlab it is very convenient to cull results after optimization and by a very large number of parameters.

Image_16.png  35 kb
Alexey Kozitsyn:

Dear developers, how is it possible that in the current brent futures (BR-8.19) the combination of flags TICK_FLAG_SELL+TICK_FLAG_VOL+TICK_FLAG_LAST = 88 and in the far future (BR-9.19) the same combination of flags gives the value 344?

Similarly, the combination of TICK_FLAG_BUY+TICK_FLAG_VOL+TICK_FLAG_LAST on the current futures BR-8.19 = 56, and on the far one it is 312?

Are there any flags missing from the documentation?

Bild 2085, real openers.

these are undocumented flags (used by the terminal)

Новая версия платформы MetaTrader 5 build 1930: Плавающие окна графиков и .Net библиотеки в MQL5
Новая версия платформы MetaTrader 5 build 1930: Плавающие окна графиков и .Net библиотеки в MQL5
  • 2018.12.04
26 октября 2018 года будет выпущена обновленная версия платформы MetaTrader 5...
Taras Slobodyanik:

these are undocumented flags (used by the terminal)

Thank you. Why doesn't this information appear in the documentation... Anyway.


Starting from a certain date, alerts appear as if several people are unread in the private room

You click through to everyone, the alerts go away. But as soon as someone sends a private message, it's reset to a high number again.


Starting from a certain date, alerts appear as if several people are unread in the private room

You click through to everyone, the alerts go away. But as soon as you write to someone in the PM, it resets to a large number again.

This is not a "bug" but a feature of the site.
You have to click twice on the user's message.
Click, then back and click again.

And it appears if you have several tabs open. Or you logged in from different computers, phones.

Question: what does the metatrader do after launching? One chart, clean, no indicators. For about 10 minutes it completely takes up disk resources.

Both four and five. I can understand the five, it is constantly updated, but the four is out of date.

Time-wise, we did it in 5 minutes on Friday and over 20 minutes today.

At the end of that time 0%.

That's the size of the Terminal folder, it's been piling up for years:

Maybe we should clean it up. Archive something? If that makes sense, of course.