Errors, bugs, questions - page 2335


I don't think so, but just in case: is it possible to declare a friend (maybe there are some µl specific designs)?

class A {
    template<typename T>
    friend class B;

So far everything has been nice in the general architecture, I don't want to dump all the guts from A.


I don't think so, but just in case: is it possible to declare a friend (maybe there are some µl specific designs)?

So far everything has been nice in the general architecture, I don't want to dump all the guts from A.

No, in the current version you can't

Thank you
In the meta-editor, if the same file is opened in two windows, it is not possible to copy quickly from one place to another. When you get focus, the file scrolls to where the focus was in the other window.
Ilnur Khasanov:
In the meta-editor, if the same file is opened in two windows, it is not possible to copy quickly from one place to another. When you get focus, the file scrolls to where the focus was in the other window.

This behaviour is three hundred years old. Which negates all the convenience of multi-window coding.

Super-braking design
string Str[];
const int handle = FileOpen(FileName, FILE_READ | FILE_ANSI | FILE_TXT);  

FileReadArray(handle, Str);

A 40Mb file of 1 million lines takes 18 seconds to read.

The same output, but done differently

  uchar Bytes[];
  const int handle = FileOpen(FileName, FILE_READ | FILE_BIN);
  FileReadArray(handle, Bytes);

  string Str[];
  StringSplit(CharArrayToString(Bytes), '\n', Str);

is done in 0.5 seconds.

Super-braking design

A 40Mb file of 1 million lines takes 18 seconds to read.

The same output, but done differently

is done in 0.5 seconds.

I wonder if it's a cold start in both cases?
or is it the same when it's hot?

Taras Slobodyanik:

I wonder if it's a cold start in both cases?
or is it the same when it's hot?



Need to clean up code - remove unused variables, functions, methods, classes, structures, etc.

How to do this?


Need to clean up code - remove unused variables, functions, methods, classes, structures, etc.

How to do this?

This may not be the best solution, but profiling may help. But it will still be a long manual process.