Errors, bugs, questions - page 2214


There is no need to reinstall.
Please delete these files, the explorer closures should stop.

Thank you, it has helped, the explorer will not close.
Ilnur Khasanov:
I'm not sending private messages (in the browser console: connecting


Try sending the message again after reloading the page.

Pavel Kozlov:


Try to send the message again after reloading the page.

from net: 0
from storage: 84
from net: 0
from storage: 84
loaded messages: 1
error: FailBanned [-9]

When submitting this, this appears: error: FailBanned [-9]

I got it, the user to whom I sent it, his write message button is disabled, while yours is active and is sent to you normally.
In any case, if there is a ban on reception of messages, then users should be shown some message

here's a question:

is it possible or is it possible to dynamically change the number of buffers/lines (on the graph) in the indicator?

Andrii Djola:

here's a question:

is it possible or is it possible to dynamically change the number of buffers/lines (on the graph) in the indicator?

Well, not exactly dynamically, but once through re-initialisation you can. I did.


Dear developers! The tooltip is not assigned to graphical objects in the tester. Please fix it.

Build 1816 x64.

Alexey Kozitsyn:

Dear developers! The tooltip is not assigned to graphical objects in the tester. Please fix it.

Build 1816 x64.

This is not the biggest problem. There are so many bugs with the tester that it's hard to list them all, even the main ones... We can only hope that the work is in progress and we will get a full-fledged tester in the near future.

Alexey Viktorov:

This is not the biggest problem. There are so many defects in the tester that even the most basic ones are difficult to list... We can only hope that the work is in progress and we will get a full-fledged tester in the near future.

I see. There is also the problem of getting oblique data of higher TFs. And this is not the first time the problem occurs. Now it is fixed, but then it appears again.

There is an unanswered request for receiving tick data in the tester which are different from the terminal's actual ticks. In short... sadness...

Alexey Kozitsyn:

I see. There is also the problem of getting oblique data of higher TFs. And this is not the first time the problem occurs. Now it is fixed, but then it appears again.

There is an unanswered request for receiving tick data in the tester which are different from the terminal's actual ticks. In short... sadness...

Have you tried to get the ID of the next window in the visualisation tester?

currChart = ChartNext(prevChart);

I've tried everything and nothing works. The first one gets 12345 and then nothing, not even an hour after the window was created.

long prevChart = ChartFirst();
Alexey Viktorov:

Have you tried to get the ID of the next window in the visualisation tester?

I've tried everything and nothing works. The first one gets 12345 and then nothing, even an hour after the window was created.

No, I haven't.