Errors, bugs, questions - page 2197

Rashid Umarov:

Can we see a picture - what does it do?

If no picture, it's something like this

 long chartID = ChartID();
 ChartSetInteger(chartID, CHART_SHOW_PRICE_SCALE, false);
 int chartWidth = (int)ChartGetInteger(chartID, CHART_WIDTH_IN_PIXELS);
 ChartSetInteger(chartID, CHART_SHOW_PRICE_SCALE, true);
 Print(chartWidth-(int)ChartGetInteger(chartID, CHART_WIDTH_IN_PIXELS));

Discovered a more convenient format for reading Articles.

Random Decision Forest в обучении с подкреплением
Random Decision Forest в обучении с подкреплением
Random Forest (RF) с применением бэггинга — один из самых сильных методов машинного обучения, который немного уступает градиентному бустингу.  Случайный лес состоит из комитета деревьев решений (которые также называются деревьями классификации или регрессионными деревьями "CART" и решают одноименные задачи). Они применяются в статистике...

Discovered a more convenient format for reading Articles.

The vivaldi browser has a lot of clever gizmos, including a read-only mode, try it out. Not for advertising purposes, the browser is very good but suffers from the same thing as most modern software, lots of everything but a couple of features work well.

I can't find where to write on my mobile, so I can't write here.
Can't access your site from my computer at all. It doesn't load and that's it.
That's why my demo terminal is not working.
Where to look for the reason? Maybe somewhere is blocked by IP ?

How many characters, or characters are allowed in the input variable field? I couldn't find any restrictions in the documentation. But in fact there are problems.

The default setting is 15 characters, including a full stop.

But if you try to enter another number of the same size, the last digit is not entered.

Can someone give an explanation?

2018.04.18 10:02:48.867 Terminal        MetaTrader 5 x64 build 1795 started (MetaQuotes Software Corp.)
2018.04.18 10:02:48.867 Terminal        Windows 7 Service Pack 1 (build 7601) x64, IE 11, AMD FX-4170 Quad-Core Processor , Memory: 9409 / 12255 Mb, Disk: 40 / 238 Gb, GMT+3
2018.04.18 10:02:48.867 Terminal        D:\MetaTrader 5\New MT5
The terminal is in /portable mode.
Numerical values are parsed from tpl files. StringToDouble most likely has similar limitations.
Numeric values are parsed from tpl files. StringToDouble probably has similar limitations.

I have now tested this option: I entered an input string and converted the string to a StringToDouble number... - No problems detected.

Or maybe I misunderstood something in your answer.

Alexey Viktorov:

I have now tested this option: I entered an input string and converted the string to a StringToDouble number... - No problems detected.

Or maybe I misunderstood something in your reply.

Try saving the template with the EA. Set a long number in the tpl file and after applying the modified template, see how this number is perceived by the EA.


Try saving the template with the EA. Set a long number in the tpl file and after applying the modified template, see how that number is perceived by the EA.

This is the running of the script.

Does your terminal skip numbers longer than 14 digits?

Alexey Viktorov:

This is a script run.

It makes no difference.

Does your terminal allow numbers longer than 14 digits?

#property script_show_inputs

input double Double = 1234567890.123456789;

void OnStart()

When typing, as it turns out, it depends on what numbers you type. Some you can't type. And some of them do.