Errors, bugs, questions - page 2167

There is an error in mt5 for android on euro/american dollar chart which shows this
And by the way I cannot understand how to send a request with a screenshot from mt5 on android, the send option does not work

Vitaly Muzichenko:

It's more like the DC decided to give shortsellers a spiel)

It appeared in the latest version of 12.03... And only on Euro, on all timeframes, and on all other pairs it shows as it should
I have an Alpari esn mt5 account, just for fun I looked at the demo from metaquotes, they show it correctly
Andrey Khatimlianskii:

Write your own crosshairs emulator (

Nope, I needed to write my own crosshair emulator.

the customer has a touchpad, the mouse is fine with it, with the touchpad it can only be pressed with the regular thermal button

i think i got them to ctrl+f, but i can't seem to get a hold of them right now )

can anyone advise how to catch the key combination with the regular event handler?

Open the code insert, the one with "src" in it.
Insert the code and want to format it.
Cursor to the beginning of the line, press Tab five times, but nothing happens, then Enter and ......
And it turns out you've already published a crooked, unfinished and taken out of context message on the site.
UX beauty.... In a word.
Alexandr Bryzgalov:

I kinda talked my way into Ctrl+F, but I can't catch them right now)
Can someone tell me how to catch key combination with internal event handler?

If my post with a promise to find old code was deleted, it turns out that I didn't promise anything...
Just kidding.

It was written in those dark days (more than 3 years ago), when keypad functionality was still small and, to put it mildly, plain-looking.
Nowadays, however, as far as memory serves, there are standard features to track the status of a particular key.
So the code snippet below is unlikely to be of any use:

if (lparam == g_second_key 
    && last_key_code == g_first_key 
    && time - last_time_code < g_time_limit)
    run_ind = true;

last_key_code = int(lparam);
last_time_code = time;

lparam - code of pressed key in current event;
last_key_code - code of the pressed key in the previous event;
g_first_key - code of the first key of the combination;
g_second_key - code of the second key from the combination;
time - time of the current event of the key pressing;
last_time_code - time of previous key press event;
g_time_limit - maximum time between first and second key presses to be considered as a key combination;

Sergey Dzyublik:
No offense to the developers, but what are you guys smoking?

You open the code insert, the one with "src" in it.
You insert the code and want to format it.
You put the cursor at the beginning of the line, press Tab five times, but nothing happens, then Enter and ......
And it turns out you've already published a crooked, incomplete and out of context message on the site.
UX beauty.... In a word.

The tab works as a toggle between controls. It goes all the way down to "Add".

Alexandr Bryzgalov:

No, I wanted the crosshairs as standard.

The customer has a touchpad, the mouse is fine, with the touchpad it is only possible to press it with the standard thermal button

What is the problem? What is the state of the button for?

Alexandr Bryzgalov:

I think I talked them into Ctrl + F, but I can not catch them now )

maybe someone can tell me how to catch the key combination with the built-in event handler?

Where's the try? )

It seems to be possible to catch combinations internally, but not sure if it will work for a reserved one.

Andrey Khatimlianskii:

The tab works as a toggle between controls. Docked to "Add".

Tabbing on controls does not work in plain text input mode.
It works fine in Code or HTML input mode.

Sergey Dzyublik:

Tabbing on controllers doesn't work in plain text mode.
But it works fine in code or HTML message input mode.

Yes, it's always been like that.

And in plain text, I don't remember ever trying to use it ). Yes, it works now.