Errors, bugs, questions - page 2090


After the quotes went, it went like this


Not a single node in our demo cluster, including Asia, had any restarts or retransmit rate increases throughout the day (and on other days too). Everything is between 0.5% and 1.5% normal.


Can someone please advise who usesCopyTicksRange,is there any limits on amount of given dataor not. And is it necessary to "warm up"CopyTicksRangebeforehand if it's necessary to request ticks for several months? In CopyTicks help it's written that function gets not more than2000 ticks, does it apply toCopyTicksRange?

Renat Fatkhullin:


No node in our demo cluster, including Asia, has had any restarts or retransmit increases all day (and on other days too). Everything is between 0.5% and 1.5% normal.

What can the five minute spike to a constant value (five minutes unchanged) of 1.892 be caused by?

Ignore the word Ping, it's a retransmit.


Invalid ticks on MetaQuotes-Demo

How does the TS protect against this kind of thing? Any TS that analyzes price history is capable of destroying an account in case of invalid data! This is not a bug, this is a nightmare!


What can the five-minute spike to a constant value (five minutes unchanged) of 1.892 be caused by?

Ignore the word Ping, it is a retransmit.

What was the computer connection type (LAN, Wifi, xG, etc), dedicated computer or VPS?

Without that there is no point in talking about quality control of the connection.

Keep in mind that this is a technical characteristic of your local TCP/IP stack, reported by the OS, not a measure of the quality of a particular connection to the trade servers. It includes all network activity, including system/phone activity.

The merchant cluster is known to have high-quality connection and we log a lot of parameters (this is a standard platform functionality), collecting minute snapshots with subsequent analysis.

Renat Fatkhullin:

What was going on on the computer at the time, what kind of connection (LAN, Wifi, xG, etc.), dedicated computer or VPS?

Home computer via LAN. Nothing was happening on the computer. It's not even the spike that's surprising, it's that the value was constant for five minutes.


The home computer via LAN. Nothing happened on the computer. What is surprising is not even the spike, but that the value was constant for five minutes.

That's what the operating system reports.

It's just not physically possible for us to collect that kind of information.

Renat Fatkhullin:

That's how the operating system reports.

We simply cannot physically collect this information.

This means that the operating system is not reporting valid data.


Invalid ticks on MetaQuotes-Demo

How does the TS protect against this kind of thing? Any TS that analyzes price history is capable of destroying an account with invalid data! This is not a bug, this is a nightmare!

Not universal protection, but at least something - request INFO-types and check for non-zero volume.


It turns out that the operating system is not giving valid data.

The specific network driver that does all the work is heavily influenced there.

And they also calculate the statistics without the operating system being involved. We encountered network cards with drivers that could give out rubbish even by the volume of bytes transmitted. We had to cure it with filters, discarding out-of-bounds values.

Update all drivers and the operating system itself, if it is lower than Windows 7.