Errors, bugs, questions - page 2089

Comment(NULL); // 'NULL' - expression of 'void' type is illegal
Print(NULL); // 'NULL' - expression of 'void' type is illegal
Alert(NULL); // 'NULL' - expression of 'void' type is illegal

I call CalculateOptimization() in the loop to calculate using Alglib

#include <Math\Alglib\alglib.mqh>
#define  BENCH(A)                                                              \
{                                                                             \
  const ulong StartTime=GetMicrosecondCount();                              \
  A;                                                                          \
  Print("Time["+#A+"] = "+(string)(GetMicrosecondCount()-StartTime)); \

   for(int n=1; n<=num_combos; n++)
      if(error) return;
2017.12.17 09:42:05.242 Model USDCHF,H1: Time[for(intn=1;n<=num_combos;n++){CalculateOptimization(n);if(error)return;)] = 8835

And in the profiler, the timing is somehow strange:


With increasing number of loop iterations, timing by class starts exceeding the total time of program execution

and is far from the real timing.

2017.12.17 10:15:34.297 Model USDCHF,H1: Time[for(intn=1;n<=num_combos;n++){CalculateOptimization(n);if(error)return;)] = 435486

Is this the way it's supposed to be or should I write it in SD?


Ican not change the account balance when I opena demo account in Metatrader (downloaded from the official site), I put 3000 eur, leverage 1 to 5, balance shows 50 000, but Ava Metatrader is not giving me password and login.


I can not change the account balance, I always use demo account in Metatrader, leverage 1 to 5, balance 50 000, but Ava Metatrader is not delivering username and password.

I checked, there are no errors:








Does anyone know how to move a line within an Excel cell ?

There is a table text1 text2 text3

When you create a csv file in one cell there should be


Vladimir Pastushak:

Does anyone know how to move a line within an Excel cell ?

Alt+Enter or Shift+Enter, I don't remember exactly


Scoring (exit to MetaQuotes-Demo)


Scoring (output to MetaQuotes-Demo)

These are the statistics of the network interface of the whole computer, where Metatrader is only one of the users. It is not necessarily related to the trade server.

The general statistics can easily be corrupted by a web browser after a failed access to some glitchy and distant site. It is also possible for a local wifi to catch a network conflict and get tens of percent retransmits at random points in time.

In case of 20% retransmits there will be no connection to the trade server and the reconnects will be constant and endless. The terminal has a permanent connection and even 3-5% retransmits are fatal for it (for TCP/IP to be more precise) in the task of keeping long connections.

Renat Fatkhullin:

These are the network interface statistics of the whole computer, where Metatrader is just one of the users. It is not necessarily related to the trade server.

General statistics can easily be corrupted by a web browser after unsuccessfully accessing some glitchy and distant site. It is also possible for a local wifi to catch a network conflict and get dozens of percent retransmits at random times.

In case of 20% retransmits there will be no connection to the trade server and the reconnects will be constant and endless. The terminal has a permanent connection and for it (for TCP/IP more correctly) even 3-5% retransmits are fatal in the task of keeping long connections.

After the quotes went, it was like this