Errors, bugs, questions - page 2002

Alexey Viktorov:

Who prevents you from adding just one line?

Or don't you know that false is 0, everything else is true regardless of the sign? You take values from array reserve and want to make sure there is 0. Well, in that case it is reasonable to initialize the array with zeros, but why burden the system with forced nulling when you don't have to?

Sorry, but this example is absolute nonsense.

Why no one writes EAs in assembly language - it's supposed to be much faster


Is it possible to make a checkbox in the menu, when selecting agents? Use only local agents and use only the cloud.

It turns out that for a single test, you have to include your computer's agents. The local network now has 256 agents, 30% more powerful. If I don't switch my computer off during genetic optimization, it is counting the last one and slows down the whole optimization process.

The problem with turning my computer off when I'm not using it for a test is quite severe.

Thanks in advance

Problems with the debugger. Putting in places to stop. Flies past them and removes stop flags from the editor
Anton Ohmat:
Problems with the debugger. Putting in places to stop. Flies through them and removes stop flags from the editor

Please give me an example to reproduce.


Please give us an example to reproduce.

Once again, I'm stupid)) - Sorry. Wiped the file from backup missed the line with the inclusion of the file.

Hence a thought. Maybe you can make a project rather than an EA. I have divided a lot of code into files, so I don't get lost in one file. It is very confusing - it is not obvious what to include.

And the scope of variables for menu with tips is widened. So, if you create structure with more variables, editor shows which variables are in the file,

but when you switch to another file it doesn't.

I may say off-topic. But it seems to me that the complexity of mql5 is the reason why everyone is still using mql4. And broker has options of mt4 accounts vs 1 mt5

Can you please explain

There are 2 disks

C// system drive where it should be empty

D// where MT should be stored

Why when i give a command to install all files on D it still puts a part of it on the system drive?

Is it possible to do without it not to clean manually all the time?

When was down, the terminal did not give quite the right message
2017.09.15 10:05:58.829 Signal  '50004388': failed to parse json data

Perhaps you should report differently when the resource itself is unavailable.


Can you tell me where you can find the deciphering of the terminal's error codes, which are written in the Tools panel, Log tab.


2017.09.15 19:53:02.707 Custom Indicator loading of Traaaaaabbbb (EURUSD.m1,H2) failed [538]

2017.09.15 19:53:48.517 Custom Indicator loading of traaaabbbbbb (EURUSD.m1,H2) failed [539]

error 538 is an incorrect indicator license ( cause of OS reinstallation) guessed it myself.

There are no errors 538 and 539 on THIS link.

Can you tell me how to disable the possible loss of data due to type conversion error?
Anton Ohmat:
Can you tell me how to disable the possible loss of data due to type conversion error?
Do explicit casting