Errors, bugs, questions - page 1949


I guess the axles are not rubber ones, there are only 3 of them :-)

Which axes do you have (X,Y,Z)?

Dennis Kirichenko:

I guess the axles are not rubber ones, there are only 3 of them :-)

Which axis do you have (X,Y,Z)?

X - MA calculation method


Y - on the screenshot profit - is it possible to change it at all - I don't know how :(

Aleksey Vyazmikin:

X - MA calculation method


Y - on the screenshot profit - is it possible to change it at all - I do not understand how :(

Note that in MT5 Z is Y


Yes, the resulting parameter cannot be changed. You can go through the other 2: for the X-axis and Y-axis.

I.e. 3D graph gives an idea of how the combination of 2 factors influenced the result. Moreover, the effect is not pure, but takes other parameters into account.

Dennis Kirichenko:

Yes, the resulting parameter cannot be changed. You can go through the other 2: for the X-axis and Y-axis.

I.e. 3-dimensional graph gives an idea of how the combination of 2 factors influenced the result.

What is bad - there is so much potential - could not put at least Y profit, and any figure to choose - already it would be good...

And in my case glitch, I suspect, because of error during initialization - I use return(INIT_PARAMETERS_INCORRECT) - for rejecting of unnecessary or logically senseless variants.

Aleksey Vyazmikin:

What is bad - there is so much potential there - they could have put any indicator to choose from instead of profit by Y - it would have been good...

Imho, the optimisation chart in MT5 is a toy. Only the results on the "Optimization" tab will be useful. If you take into account a lot of factors, you have to build a multidimensional table in a special software (e.g. Statistica, RStudio). And analyse the dependencies there.

Dennis Kirichenko:

Imho, the optimization graph in MT5 is a toy. If you take into account many factors, you need to build a multidimensional table in special software (e.g. Statistica, RStudio). And analyze dependencies there.

At the moment I only use it for rough adjustments, but for the rest, of course, analysis in excel, after decomposition into components... I'm not really friends with Statistica... If you know what I mean, I've already tried it, but if you know what I mean, I don't know how to use it, and I've found it, and it works, I'll still use it.

I also think it may be useful for quick analysis. The dumbest thing is that in MT5 they have removed highlighting of the point you are hovering over, like it is in MT4.

Aleksey Vyazmikin:

At the moment I only use it for rough adjustments, but otherwise, of course, analysis in Excel, after decomposition... I'm not really friends with Statistica... If you know what I mean, I already tried it, but if you know what I mean, I don't think you should change something globally, but you can use it for quick analysis.

What is the dumbest solution, they have removed passage highlighting in MT5, like it is in MT4.

Yes, the passage highlighting was probably more important than the 3D chart.


In the case of a template class:

template<typename T>
class BlaBlaBla

I can declare variables with pointers to T objects:

BlaBlaBla<Class *> bla;

If, on the other hand, I create a template function:

template<typename T>
void foo()

The compiler won't let me call it:

foo<Class *>();

- gives errors of unexpected token on '<' and '>'.

Question: is this a bug in MQL (may be temporary)? Does anyone have a way around it? I thought about making such functions by functors (class with method), but there appear other problems - pointer to this function type is not supported yet and others.


Hello installed the advisor, it says that more history is needed for virtual training in 615 days.