Errors, bugs, questions - page 1879


This is what ChartOpen is for, it should return the ID of a new chart, but it doesn't.

can you help by developing your thought?

ChartOpen is an asynchronous function - a request to open chart is sent and the program continues its execution.

You should have a list of known ChartIDs. As soon as there is a new one, you get its ID and enter it into the list. This ID will be the one that just opened - on this chart and throw the objects. When you delete the chart, you also rebuild list.

I once posted a class to work with market overview and charts. This is the easiest - the first version of what I have already done, but the principle should be clear.
Artyom Trishkin:
ChartOpen asynchronous function- a request to open the chart is sent, and the program continues its execution.

Thank you.

Unfortunately, I didn't find anything about the highlighted in the help, otherwise I wouldn't have spent half an evening looking for the problem - there is a new chart, but no object on it. and the simple task of opening a chart and drawing an object turns into an unnecessary pain.

try your

Returns the ID of the chart just opened
Otherwise, it would be easier to leave the timer, because I'm not a programmer.

Ran into this problem today (probably not an MT problem, but it's interfering with the terminal), first time in my life I've encountered this.

A square area of the desktop screen, about 0.1 of the screen length and 0.3 of the screen width does not respond to mouse commands. So if any program window is in this area of screen, the mouse does not work and loses focus on the application, in this area, you can not use the menu and any other elements of the program interface, for example, the tree in the Terminal Navigator does not work.

What is this all about? I feel like there is an application window in this area of the screen, but it is invisible. What to do? Has anyone encountered anything like this?

Win 10 64 bit. No suspicious programs in task manager.

Andrey Dik:



a short squeeze -

Это проблема конфликта последнего обновления виндуса и антивируса Авира и нортон.

Откати обновление и смени антивирус на комодо и будет тебе счастье. 
Глюк: невидимое окно - ЯПлакалъ
Глюк: невидимое окно - ЯПлакалъ
  • RustyKZ
Может, кто сталкивался с такой проблемой? В центре экрана (на скрине примерно отмечена прямоугольником) есть область, которая как прозрачное окно поверх всех окон. Курсор мыши в ней бегает, но попав туда, не кликает то, что в принципе, кликабельно. На приведенном примере - на "Активные темы" можно кликнуть, а на "Новые сообщения" - нет (если...

Wah shaitaname... Doktur license ran out put avira on for the time being.

Crooked little softies or redsooners?

Either way - thanks!


I save the string to a file (I print the string to the journal):

2017.05.01 15:34:21.653 exTrendstep_new EURUSD,M5: Save row 0: EURUSD;1.08967;1.08786;1.08784;1.08751;1.08751;1.08838;1.08838;50%;--------;0.00;--------;0.19%;1/1;1/1;1/1;0/1;

When I open such a line in excel, it replaces the text in the cells written as: 1/1; with the date:


How to avoid it?
Artyom Trishkin:

I save the string to a file (I print the string to the journal):

When I open such a line in excel, it replaces the text in the cells written as: 1/1; with the date:


How can this be avoided?
Try adding spaces 1 / 1 or some --1/1-- so that excell doesn't treat it as a date.
Alexey Viktorov:
Try adding spaces 1 / 1 or whatever --1/1-- so that excell doesn't take what you enter as a date.
Yeah, I'll try that. But I'd like to know how to put in such a string properly.
But thanks anyway ;)
Artyom Trishkin:
Yeah, I'll give it a try. But I'd like to know how to put such a string properly.
But thanks anyway ;)

Don't waste your time. I've checked by hand, none of the suggested options are suitable. But this 1\1 is accepted as a string.

I'd have to look for it in the regional settings. There are no such settings in excell`e.

Alexey Viktorov:

Don't waste your time. I hand-checked it, none of the suggested variants fit. But this 1\1 is accepted as a string.

You have to look for that in the regional settings. There are no regional settings in excell`e.

Got it. Okay, General.