Errors, bugs, questions - page 1872

It does not compile
template <typename T1, typename T2>
void Func( T2 ) {}

void OnStart()

Thank you!

I questioned whether it was counted in the tester, as I don't see where it is displayed there.

It doesn't compile.
Eh no, that's not how it works. Either a complete list or no list.
Eh, that's not how it works. Either a complete list or no list.
So, why force to create such constructions, when everything is clear anyway?
template <typename T1>
class T
  template <typename T2>
  static void Func( T2 ) {}

void OnStart()
And this workaround is not good for all methods, but only for static ones.
Please make the black colour scheme of MT5 to match WIN10, very much missing

What's the problem if the file was created by me? I'm sensing someone's been messing with my computer. You guys just ask, I'll tell you and I'll give you everything. What are you doing here? What are you doing here?

Mihail Marchukajtes:

What's the problem if the file was created by me? I'm sensing someone's been messing with my computer. You guys just ask, I'll tell you and I'll give you everything. What are you doing here? What are you doing here?

michael you're dumb!!!!! I have never met anyone so stupid on this forum. You're a fool. You shouldn't have deleted those files, everything would have been fine :-)

How do I create a hidden class object with a closed constructor?

This is how the leaks are coming.

class CLASS
  static const CLASS* Tmp;
  CLASS() {}

static const CLASS* CLASS::Tmp = new CLASS;

void OnStart()

It's not clear how to call a destructor in this situation. Singleton is not it.

Please add examples of how to use Graphics/Graphic.mqh to Scripts\Examples.
In the latest builds, have you corrected the bug that changing and recompiling EA code is not caught by the tester? I have to close and reopen the terminal for the new version of ex5 to start testing. Otherwise the old one is tested.