Errors, bugs, questions - page 1860

Yury Kirillov:

Specify local PC and network PC configurations (after restarting the terminal, the first three lines from the "Log" tab).
Vladimir Karputov:

Specify local PC and network PC configurations (after restarting the terminal, the first three lines from the "Log" tab).

The main characteristics of the PCs used can be seen in the screenshots of post. If you need more details, I can provide them. It's not clear about restarting terminal for network PC. There is only a tester agent, no terminal.
Yury Kirillov:

The main characteristics of the PCs used can be seen in the screenshots of post. If you need more details, I can provide them.

I don't need any more. But when you need it, why do you have to extract information from you by pincers? It's not a housewives forum, it's a technical forum where you want complete technical information.

Yury Kirillov:

The main characteristics of the PCs used can be seen in the screenshots of post. If you need more details, I can provide them. It is not clear about restarting terminal for network PC. There's only a tester agent, no terminal.

Do the network agents have the same build number?

What about a single test if you run it? One on the local agent, one on the network agent. Then compare the reports


Do the network agents have the same build number?

And if you run a single test? One on local agent, one on network agent. Then compare the reports

I get a message when trying to do a single test on a network agent:

2017.04.19 15:15:36.906 Tester none of selected agents is ready, testing not started

At least a few of the agents tested have confirmed build 1583.

Also, if local agents are connected as network agents - the effect of getting different results on local and network agents persists.

Vladimir Karputov:

I don't need anything anymore. The only thing I don't understand is, when you need it, why do you have to peck for information in bits and pieces? This is not a housewives' forum - it is a technical forum where you need full technical information in the first place.

Vladimir, well, not a pot is tested, and the software solution that has many millions of users, you can probably use a calmer turnover, rather than "you have to pincer" and "This is not a forum for housewives". If you're not interested, just say "not interested".
Yury Kirillov:

I get a message when trying to do a single test on a network agent:

2017.04.19 15:15:36.906 Tester none of selected agents is ready, testing not started

I'll look at thebuild numbers of the network agents now (somewhat problematic)...
So select an agent explicitly. Right-click on an agent, select 'Select' from the context menu
So select the agent explicitly. Right-click on the agent, select 'Select' from the context menu

Yeah, stupid.





Both agents are build1583.

it was

Если транслируется стакан, то бары строятся по ластам, в противном случае по бидам

Понял Ваш вопрос. С недавнего времени, в связи с расширением тиковой функциональности, существуют настройки - "всегда строить по ластам",
 "всегда строить по бидам", "строить в зависимости от трансляции стакана".

В представленном скрипте первые две настройки никак не учитываются. Считается "по-старому"

DC where the betting market is broadcast.

is this ok in the forex tester, build 1580?

2017.04.19 14:55:05.212 Core 1  GBPUSD : 2017.03.05 00:00 - 2017.04.13 00:00  last prices absent for 1 minute bars, bid prices used
2017.04.19 14:55:05.212 Core 1  GBPUSD : 2017.03.05 00:00 - 2017.04.13 00:00  last prices translation turned off for 96 minute bars, bid and last prices used
Особенности языка mql5, тонкости и приёмы работы
Особенности языка mql5, тонкости и приёмы работы
В данной теме будут обсуждаться недокументированные приёмы работы с языком mql5, примеры решения тех, или иных задач...

In ME these settings are


#include <MT4Orders.mqh>

#define  TOSTRING(A) #A + " = "  + (string)(A) + "\n"

void OnTick()
  static bool FirstRun = true;

  if (FirstRun && OrderSelect(OrderSend(_Symbol, OP_BUY, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0), SELECT_BY_TICKET) &&
      OrderClose(OrderTicket(), OrderLots(), 0, 0) && HistorySelect(0, TimeCurrent() + 1))
    Print(TOSTRING(HistoryDealsTotal()) + TOSTRING(HistoryOrdersTotal()) + TOSTRING(PositionsTotal()));
    FirstRun = false;      

Press CTRL+F5 to start debugging on the history. In the log I see Strategy Tester Visualization

2017.04.19 15:37:35.587 2017.04.06 09:45:01   HistoryDealsTotal() = 3
2017.04.19 15:37:35.587 2017.04.06 09:45:01   HistoryOrdersTotal() = 2
2017.04.19 15:37:35.587 2017.04.06 09:45:01   PositionsTotal() = 0

And in the History tab this

Only two trades, while MQL5 shows correct three. BAG!