Errors, bugs, questions - page 1784

Rashid Umarov:
Look here - Program run

For a summary of the programmes in MQL5, see the table below:





In its own thread, as many scripts as there are execution threads for them

A looped script cannot interrupt the work of other programs


In its own thread, as many experts - as many execution threads for them

A looped expert cannot disrupt work of other programs


One execution thread for all indicators on one symbol. As many indicator symbols - as many execution threads for them

Endless loop in one indicator will stop all other indicators on this symbol

Thanks, that's what I meant

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Bugs, bugs, questions

Slawa, 2017.02.06 07:22

But here too, you can't bank on the fact that the Deinit command on M5 will be processed before the Init command on M15


Alas, I am not familiar with this format.

The experiment showed that the number in the graphical buffer is represented by the same rules as double - i.e. it is not possible to pass such a long number through the graphical buffer - frustrating.

Alas, the graphical buffer can only hold a number of 10 digits.

By the way, why is there a 4 decimal places limit?


Compilation error (or rather no error message)

class A {
        int i;
class B : public A {};
class C : protected A {};
class D : protected B {};
void OnStart()
        C c;
        Print( c.i ); //Error: 'i' - protected member access error
        D d;
        Print( d.i ); //нормально???

Execution error: EX5 loading failed

class A;
typedef void (*f)( A*);
class A {
    virtual void g( A *a ) {}
        f ff;
void OnStart() { Print( __FUNCTION__ ); }

Error during execution

class B;
void f( B* );
class A { public:
        virtual ~A() { f((B *)&this ); } //(*)
        virtual void g( A* ) { Print( __FUNCTION__ ); }
class B : public A { public:
        virtual void g( A* ) { Print( __FUNCTION__ ); }
void f( B *b ) { b.g( b ); }
void OnStart() //(1)
        B *b = new B;
        delete b;

Result: incorrect casting of pointers in (*)

And if

void OnStart() { B b; } //(2)

result: B::g

but what is the fundamental difference between OnStart (1) and (2)?

Besides, the result of a similar code in C++: A::g



What would a virtual destructor like the one in your example above be for? Can it be overridden in the descendant?


What would a virtual destructor like the one in your example above be for? Can it be overridden in the descendant?

In MQL it is always virtual, even if not specified explicitly
In MQL it is always virtual, even if it is not explicitly stated
So you didn't answer the question - what for?
So you haven't answered the question - what for?
If all destructors in MQL are virtual, then the question why do we need a virtual destructor comes down to what do we need a destructor for? And this is too general a question.
If all destructors in MQL are virtual, then the question of what a virtual destructor is for is reduced to the question of what a destructor is for? And this is too general a question.
I know what a destructor is used for. It's not clear to me why I should add the word virtual before its definition.