Errors, bugs, questions - page 1274


MT4 build 765

If you keep the connection status context menu open (click on the "connection status" icon),

then there is no data update in the market overview (time and tick chart are stopped).


two almost identical EA but in CheckOnTimer the text changes before and after the first tick

and in CheckOnTimer1 the text freezes after the first tick

Is it supposed to be like this?

If it still should be, could you suggest how to make OnTimer work in the presence of an infinite loop in the OnTick function?


MT4 build 765

If you keep the connection status context menu open (click on the "connection status" icon),

there is no data update in the Market Watch (time and tick chart stop).

It is not reproducible. More details are needed
Not reproducible. More details are needed

I lied about the tick chart, the ticks go, but the time in the window is not updated.

In the screenshot in the upper left corner the server time is displayed by the script and it is different from the time in the market overview window:


I lied about the tick chart, the ticks go, but the time in the window is not updated.

In the screenshot in the upper left corner the server time is displayed by the script and it is different from the time in the market overview window:

Thank you, reproduced (reproduced when "Market Watch" is in a separate window)

two almost identical advisors but in CheckOnTimer the text changes before and after the first tick

and in CheckOnTimer1 the text freezes after the first tick

should it be?

If it should be so, how to make OnTimer work in case of infinite loop in the OnTick function?

If function called in OnTick is not completed then subsequent events OnTick and OnTimer are ignored until this function is completed.


If a function called in OnTick is not completed, subsequent OnTick and OnTimer events are ignored until this function is completed.

I.e. it turns out that if there are enough calculations in OnTick, the timer will stand?

For example EventSetTimer(1);
and calculations in OnTick take more than 2 seconds, then OnTimer will be triggered less often than specified in EventSetTimer?


I don't think this has ever happened before. MetaTrader 5 build 1067 started (MetaQuotes Software Corp.)

I opened MetaEditor MQL5. I have mixed mq4 and mq5 files in "File" menu at the very bottom. I even did not realize it at once and started editing mq4 file (test script with MathRound function). I edited it. Compiled it. Again, all this is in MetaEditor MQL5.

Now a question: is this a step towards editing mq4 and mq5 in one window?


I don't think this has ever happened before. MetaTrader 5 build 1067 started (MetaQuotes Software Corp.)

I opened MetaEditor MQL5. I have mixed mq4 and mq5 files in "File" menu at the very bottom. I did not even realize it at once, and started editing an mq4 file (test script with MathRound function). I edited it. Compiled it. Again, all this is in MetaEditor MQL5.

Now a question: is this a step towards editing mq4 and mq5 in one window?

I've already noticed it in previous builds. I mean that in 5 you can edit 4. It even pulled the files of the fourth one into the fifth one by default.
that's been the case for a long time.