Errors, bugs, questions - page 1264

Yes, for the subscription, could you tell me what that means?

The person subscribed, the sum for subscription was reserved.

1. The subscription has expired - the funds have been transferred to you.

2. The person has unsubscribed - the funds have been transferred to you.

3. You have cancelled the broadcasting of the signal - the funds have been returned to the subscriber.


The person subscribed, the amount for subscription was reserved; three options follow.

1. The subscription has expired - the funds have been transferred to you.

2. The person has unsubscribed - the funds have been transferred to you.

3. You canceled the broadcast - the funds were returned to the subscriber.

The broadcast has not been cancelled.

I do not know about the first two options, but the funds have not been credited to the account. The first option is excluded, the subscription could not run out.


Broadcasting has not been cancelled.

About the first two options, I don't know, but the funds have not arrived in the account. The first option is ruled out, the subscription could not have run out.

The funds will be credited to the account when the subscription period is over (one month), if the person unsubscribes, they will be credited immediately, if you stop broadcasting, they will never be credited.
The funds will be credited to the account when the subscription period is over (one month), if the person unsubscribes, they will be credited immediately, if you stop broadcasting, they will never be credited.
I would have done (thought about it this way) if I was in a negative position when I subscribed, the funds will be returned to the subscriber, and if I was in profit, the funds will be credited to the trader's account.

Please correct in MetaTrader 4 the error of updating of CHART_PRICE_MIN and CHART_PRICE_MAX chart properties, which appear in OnChartEvent().

When scrolling the chart with the mouse wheel or using the keyboard buttons, the values of CHART_PRICE_MIN and CHART_PRICE_MAX are not updated

or they are updated with a delay, as the result the indicator receives the wrong information about the current chart state.

The specified properties take true values only when there is an additional event on the chart.

Custom events are not suitable for the specified update of properties.

The code to demonstrate the error is attached.

To see the error just use mouse or keyboard to scroll through the chart

and then, observing the property values displayed in the left corner of the screen, click on the screen with the mouse or press enter on the keyboard.

The price scale in the chart will not change in any way and the displayed CHART_PRICE_MIN and CHART_PRICE_MAX properties will change their values.

Order to servicedesk #1133064.

Test.mq4  3 kb

Compile error, build 1036

#property library
class A {
        bool EventKillTimer() const { return ( true );}
        bool f()                    { return ( EventKillTimer() ); }
in build 1014 and earlier compiled without errors

And related to previous post Execution error in build 1036

class A {
        void EventKillTimer() const { Print( 1 ); }
        void h() { EventKillTimer(); }
void OnStart()
        A a;
        a.h(); //ничего не выводится в журнал

instead of A::EventKillTimer() it calls ::EventKillTimer()

build 1014 logs "1" as expected

Significant difference (!)


Compilation error at ## on the right

#define  F1( function, op ) \
template<typename T>       \
void function( T& t, T delta ) { t op delta; }

#define  F2( function, op )    F1( function##ccc,  op )

F2( bbb, += )

void OnStart()
        int a = 2;
        bbbccc( a, 3 );
//      bbb+=
        Print( a );

the compiler looks for bbb+=(...) instead of bbbccc(...) as it follows from the auto-substitution by the first 3 characters.

A similar error was fixed earlier by application #1085568

In C++ a similar example compiles without errors

Greetings all!
Dear traders, I would like to share with you some impressions of using the MT5 + MetaEditor on a tablet platform in Win8. I purchased my tablet for Win8 specifically to be able to use the full-featured version of the terminal and editor on it.
All in all, it works pretty well. :) I can trade, I can edit Expert Advisors too. But there are a number of obvious points that seem to be ignored in the context of using it on the tablet PC. Let's start with the terminal. The interface is shallow for pointing fingers, but it is still possible. But plotting any graphical objects (for example, a trend line) is a real pain. The terminal does not want to understand that I want to draw the line and not to scroll a graph with my finger. :) I have to use the mouse to solve this problem. As for the mouse, many convenient and quick MT functions are right-clicking, but the tablet doesn't understand that I poke it with my right thumb. :)) Many of these functions are available in drop-down menus, but this way of accessing them noticeably reduces the speed of operation. Besides, removal of unnecessary objects from the chart is a rather non-trivial task. Selecting objects on the chart is a non-trivial task as well. For example, if you touch any candlestick, the date/time and OHLC will be shown at the bottom of the terminal, but the candlestick itself won't be marked. I.e. it's not absolutely sure what parameters for which "candlestick" you're actually seeing now. Given the overall shallowness of the picture (even on the 11 inch screen), the problem is quite acute. Attempts to switch to "crosshair" lead to nothing: as soon as you "poke" the screen, the terminal switches back to the normal cursor mode.
The next item is zooming. It works "backwards", i.e. when you pinch with your fingers the graph gets bigger, and when you stretch it, it gets smaller. This obviously contradicts the tablet and other "touch" logic that everyone is used to on phones and other similar devices.
With MetaEditor the most uncomfortable thing is that scrolling with fingers in the code window does not work! Gentlemen, even Microsoft's Notepad can do this. :) So there is something to work on.
I understand that the "tablet" direction is not a priority for you. Nevertheless, I believe that the world is moving further and further away from the usual keyboard and mouse in favour of touch and voice input. Looking to the future, how do you see the world? Maybe it is time to start making some changes. :)
I have an 8 inch tablet and I don't even zoom in on the interface - I use 100% zoom. Instead of a mouse, there is a great program called TouchMousePointer - not TouchMousePointer Manager, but TouchMousePointer. Works great on a Windows 8.1 tablet and I use this virtual mouse when working with the interfaces MetatRader'a and MetaEditir'a. The program is free and you have to download it from the manufacturer's website.