Errors, bugs, questions - page 1245


What is this error when trying to update from the Warehouse?



What is this error when trying to update from the Warehouse?

Is everything OK with your network? It looks like a network error

What happened to the spreads on the server?

Increased by a third compared to Wednesday's spreads:(

Nice... need to make one for myself...)
Is everything OK with your network? It looks like a network error

Tried from the same device (tablet, Windows 8.1) both via fast WiFi and slow EDGE. Same error.

P.S. Tried to disable built-in Windows Firewall - no result, same error "Storage failed to read http data (read failed [12152])".


Tried from the same device (tablet, Windows 8.1) both via fast WiFi and slow EDGE. Same error.

P.S. Tried to disable built-in Windows Firewall - no result, same error "Storage failed to read http data (read failed [12152])".

Then let's have a chat in servicedesk
Then let's have a chat at the service desk.
All right, I'm off to chat.
I don't think so, but just in case, I'm very supportive.
I've written an application. The answer was literally "No". In the spirit of the MC.
What's wrong with the Storage MQL ???
I press "Commit" and a completely blank window opens. And where the commit path (folders and files) is just blank for some reason.
The button "OK" is also not active.

It is normal that:
in order to get the same result fromChartNavigate always - returning to the required point is necessary:
2. If it is active, we need to know the shift percentage ofCHART_SHIFT_SIZE
3) Since the percentage is empty, checkCHART_WIDTH_IN_BARS
4 Only now we can recalculate and useChartNavigate, which for some reason depends onCHART_SHIFT

try to add a virtual method that returns typename from this.
So I do, but it's terribly inconvenient - I have to insert such crap in each class - it's not OOP, but some kind of crap.