Errors, bugs, questions - page 1224


Why (in 735 and 993 builds) after closing the terminal TOOLTIP (object tooltips) become default and not remain as they were set inObjectSetString()???

should it be like this ???

it was like this before ?

Is there any way to enable/disable the visibility of the object description for a specific object rather than for the whole chart???
I can't figure out where MT5 stores the news data. Can you tell me if you know anything about it?

1. save as drawing

2. active graph as is

3. tick Publish image online

4. OK

5. Previous screenshot is published (but somehow only once)

ZS: 735 build, again without a fucking fingerprint update


ZS: 735 build, updated again without a fucking fingerprint.

Dangerous, however, to connect the terminal to the developer server :)

I already have 738.


Dangerous, however, to connect the terminal to the developer server :)

I already have a 738.

No, I haven't connected to their server
Please advise! Where can I read help for the #property strict preprocessor, there's nothing in the documentation.
This is for 4

#property strict

Table of differences between the compilers:

Old MQL4 compiler

New MQL4 compiler

New MQL4 compiler with #property strict

Entry points init(), start(), deinit() can have any parameters and any return type

init(), start(), deinit() retained for compatibility,

and the new OnInit(), OnStart(), OnCalculate(), OnTick(), OnTimer(), OnChartEvent(), OnTester(), OnDeinit() must exactly match their signatures


The return result of the init() function is not analyzed in any way by the executing subsystem

The return result of the init() and OnInit() functions is not analyzed in any way by the executing subsystem

When returning a non-zero value from OnInit(), the expert or indicator stops and the program is unloaded

Variable names can be almost any (except for reserved words), including special characters and full stops

Variable names cannot have special characters and full stops.

The list of reserved words is extended, so common words such as short, long, const, etc. cannot be used as names.


The scope of a variable is from the declaration (even in a nested block) to the end of the function.


Visibility range of a variable - from the declaration to the end of the block in which the variable is declared.

Implicit initialization of all variables (both global and local) with zeroes.

The same

Initialization of global variables only. From local variables, only strings are implicitly initialized

Local arrays are not freed on leaving the function

Local arrays are freed on leaving the function

Local arrays are freed on exit {}

Array out of range"error does not lead to a critical error*.

Same. Except for arrays of structures and classes for which this error is critical

"Array out of range" is a critical error and causes the program to stop

No structures and classes

There arestructures and classes. Additional data types appear.


Strings - single-byte.

datetime - 32-bit integer

Predefined variable Volume has type double

Strings - unicode.

datetime - 64-bit integer

Volume is a predefined variable of long type.


ArrayCopyRates() produces virtual copying to array double[][6]

ArrayCopyRates() produces a virtual copying to MqlRates[] array. For compatibility, copying to array double[][6] remains, but this copying is not virtual but real.


Functions may not return values even if they have a type. For this purpose, the compiler automatically inserts return(0) at the end of the function.


Functions of any type must always return a value

Number of files opened simultaneously - 32

Number of files being simultaneously opened - 64


Files are always opened in shared mode **

The sharing mode must be explicitly declared with FILE_SHARE_READ and/or FILE_SHARE_WRITE


The scripts in the input window show the extern variable names

The names of extern and input variables are shown in the input parameters window for the scripts in show_inputs mode.

For scripts in the show_inputs mode, the input parameters window shows string comments instead of extern and input variable names


1. save as drawing

2. active graph as is

3. tick Publish image online

4. OK

5. Previous screenshot is published (but somehow intermittently)

SZS: 735 build, again without the fingerprints updated

Does not reproduce.

Attach logs and describe your actions in more detail.


It is not playing.

Attach the logs and describe your actions in more detail.

Try this:

1. take a screenshot and publish it on the website

2. delete this screenshot almost immediately

3. take a new screenshot

here is a piece of the log:

2014.10.24 13:46:45.109 Images: screenshot '' published and successfully bound to user 'sanyooooook'
2014.10.24 13:44:27.468 Images: screenshot '' published and successfully bound to user 'sanyooooook'
2014.10.24 13:43:39.062 Images: screenshot '' published and successfully bound to user 'sanyooooook'

after publishing the first screenshot 2537080, deleted it almost immediately

when the next one was published the page with the deleted screenshot 2537080 was opened