Errors, bugs, questions - page 1171


This property only applies to objects of type OBJECT_CHART, which are not yet implemented in Foursquare.

Standard charts cannot have price and time scales removed

Thanks for the reply,I will take it into account.
Well, you've been sent, so you've been sent. Judging by the content of this forum, the problems of new MQL4 live here, not on If there is a thread concerning the Wizard in MQL4, please provide a link to it, and not to the entire site. In particular, I'm not aware of any wizard - expert generator similar to 5. Must be behind the times.
You just try using a wizard to create a quadruple expert. It works.
You just try using a wizard to create a quadruple expert. It works.
In "my" quadruple wizard there is no item EA (generate), which is what triggers (in the quadruple analogue) the step-by-step process of selecting signals, trailing, MM and generating source based on the library.

Are there any plans to improve the feature overloading? Currently, overloading does not work if the overloaded functions include both template functions and normal functions.

For example, this code does not compile:

void func(int arg1, double arg2) {  }  

template <typename T>
void func(T arg1, string arg2) {  }  

If the top function is also a template function, it compiles fine.

In "my" four-wizard there is no item EA (generate), which starts (in the five-wizard analogue) the step-by-step process of signal selection, trailing, MM and source generation based on the library.

Now I see.

There will definitely be. As in five. But not now.


This property only applies to objects of type OBJECT_CHART, which are not yet implemented in Foursquare.

Standard charts cannot have price and time scales removed

You should.
And for nothing.
I've been corrected by my own people. Turns out you can. Give it a try.
I've been corrected by my own people. Turns out you can. Give it a try.
OK then! Thank you.

Compile error build 965, 966

#property library
#define _class /*struct*/class
#define  CLS( X )   _class X

CLS( A )
before (e.g. build 930, 932) - no such error

Compilation error build 965, 966

#property library
#define  F2              bool f( string str ) { return ( str == "uint" ); }

class A {