Errors, bugs, questions - page 1144

Why does Youtube have HTTPS? Here's the normal code for the video -

Well, copying the URL from the Browser Address is a standard user action. And Youtube is now running HTTPS...

And your "normal code" is unusual because it uses redirection and is generated separately.


Well, copying the URL from the Browser Address is a standard user action. And Youtube is now running HTTPS...

And your "normal code" is unusual because it uses redirection and is generated separately.

Users sometimes need to look around and know how the service they use (youtube) works.
Users sometimes need to look around and know how the service they use (youtube) works.
What is this nonsense?! The user is a stupid lazybones who corporations spend millions to study the behaviour of! And who doesn't spend is not popular...
By the way, why does MT save on the security of our data and use HTTPS only for login and not for the entire ?
Пользователям иногда нужно смотреть по сторонам и знать как работает сервис, которым они пользуются (youtube).
What is this nonsense?! The user is a stupid lazybones who corporations spend millions to study the behaviour of! And those who don't spend are not popular...

You have to study the services at least a little bit. Youtube thought of everything a long time ago and made a special "Share" button. For those who're too lazy to learn even a little bit about the services they use, you can try to insert into this forum "... copy the URL from your browser's Address..."

For those who are too lazy to learn even a little bit about the services they use, there's an option to try and paste into this forum ". copy the URL from the Browser Address..."

Well, that's exactly the option that doesn't work right now if you use YouTube over HTTPS.

barabashkakvn , don't make excuses for the developers of this forum. They just made up the wrong parser regular - that's all. I made such mistake on my site too...


Hi all. I know tics are a sore subject for forum hosts, but I have to ask:

Two test dummies - one turkey:

#property indicator_separate_window
#property indicator_plots   1
#property indicator_buffers 1
long count;

int OnInit() {count=(long)GlobalVariableGet("OnCalculateCount"); return(INIT_SUCCEEDED);}

int OnCalculate(const int rates_total, const int prev_calculated, const int begin, const double &price[])

second expert:

long count;

int OnInit() {count=(long)GlobalVariableGet("OnTickCount"); return(INIT_SUCCEEDED);}

void OnTick()

The result is different. After a few minutes the counters scatter by almost a factor of 2. There is no mention of this in the documentation and it took me a long time to understand why the readings of the same inductor with a similar code in the Expert Advisor diverge. Is it somehow explained?

Sorry if it's been asked many times before.

By the way, why does MT save on security of our data and use HTTPS only for login and not for entire

We are not saving money.

We are in the second month of converting all content to SSL. We need to port many services under one roof step by step to enable encryption. We will most likely finish it in June.


Hi all. I know tics are a sore subject for forum hosts, but I have to ask:

Two test dummies - one induke:

second expert:

The result is different. In a few minutes counters scatter by almost 2 times. The documentation does not say anything about it and I could not understand for a long time why there are different readings of one indicator with a similar code in the Expert Advisor. Is it somehow explained?

Sorry if it's been asked many times before.

So you give your numbers, be sure to start with zero counters, measuring 5 minutes for example on EURUSD and starting both programs at the same time.

ps: the fact that you read the counter in the inite is a good way to fool yourself with sloppy work. start the counter from scratch if you want to do a clean experiment.


Well, that's exactly the feature that doesn't work now, if you use YouTube over HTTPS.

Barabashkakvn , don't make excuses for the developers of this forum. They just made a wrong parser regular - that's all. I made such mistake on my site too...

We don't have this error.

You tried to insert an undocumented URL into the video page from a browser instead of an actual documented and supported insertion URL. We can't keep track of every little change to the YouTube page engine and hack out a sharable URL based on the page URL.

If you insert the URL of the video page as a normal link, even without a link, we'll be intelligent and automatically show this:

MetaTrader 5 Strategy Tester 3D Visualization
MetaTrader 5 Strategy Tester 3D Visualization
MetaTrader 5 Strategy Tester 3D Visualization