Errors, bugs, questions - page 1068


Well, the icon is more or less the same when zoomed in, but as the screen resolution is large, it blends in...

I like the old one better.

Who cares what it looks like and people are looking at their code, not at the sides.

Something in latest version of compiler screwed up.

Under build 852 and Win7-64 - After compiling and trying to start my indicator which worked before, I get a message in the log - Invalid EX5 file

What's interesting, the same indicator runs and works fine in debugger.

Something is wrong with the latest version of the compiler.

Under build 852 and Win7-64 - after compiling and trying to run my own indicator, which worked before, I get a message in the log - Invalid EX5 file

What's interesting, in debugger this same indicator runs and works fine.

This kind of stuff needs to be uploaded to Service Desk immediately with logs and sources.


One of the differences between debug- and release-version is in default initialization of all variables with zeros. Try to look for uninitialized variables/arrays in your code.

// But first, point one.

Who cares what it looks like and people look at their code, not at the sides.
The Taskbar is actually often overlooked...

2. one of the differences between debug and release versions is the default null initialisation of all variables. try looking for uninitialised variables/arrays in the code.

IMHO, uninitialized can cause EA/indicator bugs, but not the disability of EX5 itself.

Something in the latest version of the compiler screwed up.

Under build 852 and Win7-64 - after compiling and trying to start my indicator which worked before, I get a message in the log - Invalid EX5 file

What's interesting, the same indicator runs and works fine in the debugger.
Probably, this error has been already fixed (the bug with the same symptoms has been fixed). Wait for the official release. It will be available very soon.
This bug may have already been fixed (fixed a bug with the same symptoms). Wait for official release. It will be available very soon.
OK, waiting. I am using debug versions for now)

I apologise in advance for the trivial questions.

1) How do I understand if an mq5-file is an Expert Advisor or an indicator? Or it is defined by its location in Experts and Indicators folders? I tried to run my mq5 from Expert, but OrderCalcMargin still shows error ERR_FUNCTION_NOT_ALLOWED

2) I cannot run my code from my folder (MQL5\Serega). What is the point of this?




It obviously doesn't say what the differences are.

I figured it out by gut feeling, commented OnCalculate and the indicator became an Expert Advisor.

And why the code cannot be executed from own folder is not clear to me.