Errors, bugs, questions - page 1024

Is it a bug in your program? Is it possible to use tester charts for real trading?

This is an MT5 bug. And who forbade trading on charts opened from a tester? How do you even distinguish them from normal ones?

You can calculate the necessary objects in the tester itself using a formula, and then trade on it. Or it hasn't occurred to you such an obvious idea? MT4 has even more scope in this respect.

The bug here is not in the tester itself, but in the history gap, which can also be arranged on a regular chart if you jump back a few years.


This is an MT5 bug. And who forbade trading on charts opened from a tester? How do you even distinguish them from normal ones?

You can calculate the necessary objects in the tester itself using a formula, and then trade on it. Or it hasn't occurred to you such an obvious idea? There is even more possibilities in MT4.

The bug here is not in the tester itself, but in the history gap, which can also be reached on a regular chart if you jump back a few years.

I've never traded on charts from the tester, that's the way it's been going since the four. Use the first open charts for trading and delete the tester charts.
Документация по MQL5: Операции с графиками / ChartOpen
Документация по MQL5: Операции с графиками / ChartOpen
Операции с графиками / ChartOpen - Документация по MQL5
I've never traded on the charts from the tester, it's been like that since the four. Use the first open charts to trade, and delete the tester charts.

1) Don't talk nonsense. There is nothing diabolical about it. If the bug is in the charting code, it may show up in normal trading too.

2) I have already clarified that the bug is not in the tester itself, but in the function for calling indicator counts.

And your "correctness" only shows your ignorance of the terminal's capabilities. You're like a granny who is afraid to push the button on her phone...


1) Don't talk nonsense. There is nothing diabolical about it. If the bug is in the charting code, it may show up in normal trading as well.

2) I have already clarified that the bug is not in the tester itself, but in the function for calling indicator counts.

And your "correctness" only shows your ignorance of the terminal's capabilities. You're like a granny who's afraid to press a button on her phone...

Grandma does not press that button because she sees no reason to press the wrong one. You can show me 2 charts so that I can see the problem. I can show you an indicator that can change values, but it is a bug in the indicator.

Read until you get the hang of it.

zfs: Я вам могу индикатор показать который может значения менять, но так это баг индикатора.

Meaning what? Well, what space-empty sentences?

zfs : Babka doesn't press this button because she doesn't see the point in pressing the wrong button.

She doesn't press it because she doesn't know about the possibility.

I don't quite understand - what is there to prove? I was just expressing a wish, I think this point is important.

Well, if the developers think otherwise - well, whatever, let's do without it...

Make a request to servicedesk and attach EX5 file, on which the error occurs.
Общайтесь с разработчиками через Сервисдеск!
Общайтесь с разработчиками через Сервисдеск!
Ваше сообщение сразу станет доступно нашим отделам тестирования, технической поддержки и разработчикам торговой платформы.

Создайте заявку в сервисдеск и приложите EX5 файл, на котором возникает ошибка.

Thank you.

I have now, as I said, 'bypassed' the error, but if I can reproduce it, I will.

There is a good article about installing OpenCL:How to install and use OpenCL in calculations
Updated drivers to Catalyst 13.4, AMD Radeon HD 8500 video card. Still the error repeats. Can't find any drivers. The interesting thing is that there was no such error a couple of days ago.
when is the championship coming up?
when is the championship coming up?

Not in this lifetime.

Будет ли в этом году проводиться чемпионат??? - MQL4 форум
Будет ли в этом году проводиться чемпионат??? - MQL4 форум