Errors, bugs, questions - page 1008

Compare date with current TimeLocal, no? and flag.
Nah, just repeated the clipping - for some reason the compiler doesn't get it right away.
Well, will the fours ever work?

1. Thank you.

2. I would like it on a permanent basis.


Is there any way to find out the buffer line colour for an indicator?

Previously (in MQL4), for example, indicator_color1 property could be used directly in the code. Now the compiler blows up. (I checked it, it doesn't work as I want it to in mql4 too, eh (( ))

And one more question at once - how to set the indicator_label1 property in the code?


Is there any way to find out the colour of the buffer line for the indicator?

Previously (in MQL4), for example, indicator_color1 property could be used directly in code. Now the compiler blocks it.

I do this. I store the colours in an array. I set them this way:

//--- Установим цвет линий
   for(int s=0; s<SYMBOLS; s++)
The colour can be found by array index, because each index equals to the indicator buffer number.
Документация по MQL5: Основы языка / Переменные
Документация по MQL5: Основы языка / Переменные
Основы языка / Переменные - Документация по MQL5


And one more question right away -- how to set indicator_label1 property in the code?

Likewise. Like this:

//--- Установим метки для текущего тф
   for(int s=0; s<SYMBOLS; s++)
                         "ATR ("+IntegerToString(s)+", "+symbols_names[s]+")");

Doesn't work.

There is a trick here - there is an indicator and there are lines of those colours that the user has chosen.

So, you need to display objects of the colours that the lines have, to describe what the lines mean visually on the object chart.


Similarly. We have to do it like this:

Man, forgot everything :) thanks.

It does not work.

There is a trick here - there is an indicator and there are lines of those colours that the user has chosen.

So, you need to display objects of the colours that the lines have, to describe what the lines mean visually on the object chart.

I have not understood what I have to do. I was dumb for about five minutes and then gave up. )) What objects? And how do you describe line values as objects?
I didn't realise what needed to be done. Stupid for about five minutes and then gave up. )) What objects? And how should you describe line values by objects?

Ah, gone to bed, stupid at all.

PlotIndexGetInteger(0, PLOT_LINE_COLOR)

Is there a software analogue of the button call ?

ChartRedraw does not work.