Errors, bugs, questions - page 1001


Continuing the conversation :)

How do you disable automatic updates? Perverse ways will do, such as not allowing certain processes to run on the system, or blocking certain ports.

If it's God forbid, write about it first, before you piss in the john.

My interest is that some functions of the terminal sometimes become "broken" in new builds. If the respected MQ company uses users as beta testers, at least let the user choose which terminal he wants to test.

Thank you!


Continuing the conversation :)

How do you disable automatic updates? Perverse ways will do, such as not allowing certain processes to run on the system, or blocking certain ports.

If it's God forbid, write about it first, before you piss in the john.

My interest is that some functions of the terminal sometimes become "broken" in new builds. If the respected MQ company uses users as beta testers, at least let the user choose which terminal he wants to test.

Thank you!

As far as I know - terminal updates are done for a reason.

But how to forbid update - that should work cleverly, because it seems very simple to me.


Should auto-update be prohibited?

I've finally started to do without additional TP-SL installation blocks for market-execs ))))

Not difficult, of course, but everything is easier and the code is smaller...

Of course, sometimes new bugs appear, but for me the update is only for the best...


Should auto-update be prohibited?

I finally started to do without additional TP-SL installation blocks for market-execs ))))

Not difficult, of course, but everything is easier and the code is smaller...

Of course sometimes new bugs appear, but for me the update is only for the best...

In addition, here every update is a masterpiece with new features.

Although those who already have everything ready probably don't need it all. They already want stability and no surprises. ))


Plus, every update here is a masterpiece with new features.

Although those who already have everything ready probably don't need all this. They already want stability and no surprises. ))

Bingo! I'd rather read first what's been added/changed for the better and then decide whether to update or not. In general, this is the policy of a normal software company. Release of new versions, information on what is new and support for older versions.

And it seems that this is another issue for MQ, which risks to hang in the air (.


Scriptexecution error

Access violation write to...

//|                                                        Tmp51.mq5 |
#property library
#import "Tmp52.ex5"
        string B( int );
string C( int i ) export { return ( "0x" + B( i ) ); }
//|                                                        Tmp52.mq5 |
#property library
string B( int ) export { return ( "00000000" ); }
//|                                                         Tmp5.mq5 |
#import "Tmp51.ex5"
        string C( int i );
void OnStart() { Print( C( 10 ) ); }

And why the parametric form #define does not allow comments

According to the MQL5 Handbook / Language Fundamentals / Syntax / Comments: "Comments are allowed wherever spaces are possible, and allow any number of spaces."

#define  A( X )  (X)
void OnStart() {
        Print ( A( 5/*комментарий*/ ) ); //ошибка компиляции
The C/C++ compiler was able to recognise the comment

Describe it in more detail. A loop has occurred. Since removing the indicator from the chart doesn't help(IsStopped() doesn't work), you close the terminal. How do you close it? If in this case you just close the terminal by clicking the cross in the upper right corner, the process is not killed. You can only kill it via Task Manager. Closing with cross and then opening the terminal again in this situation means that you didn't close it at all. The terminal opens with the old process.

And what is an exe cleanup?

And it's when after rebooting computer you open terminal and look in task manager CPU load terminal 80-98, but nothing started and indicators do not work. Complete buffering)
Exeche cleanup is the removal of compiled *.ex5 files.
 //Надо в словарь добавить
int ts[20];

void OnInit()

void OnTick()


if should it work with arrays or is it a bug?