Errors, bugs, questions - page 967

Paid for a month for Trading Signals, less than 2 weeks have passed, can I unsubscribe with a refund?

Nothing really.

At deinitialization I delete

And during initialization I just assign a value to the buffer

1800 bars at once at every tick, I didn't test it, but the very fact that the histogram is not displayed is not quite normal. In the four such problems do not exist.

It's not quite clear what kind of histogram you have there that can't be drawn. It is quite possible that you are doing something wrong. You need a code to play it back, otherwise you can't see what you mean.
Is it possibleto specify a bold text style for anOBJ_LABEL object?

longchart_id,// chart ID
intOBJPROP_FONT,// property
string "Arial"// value

longchart_id,// chart identifier
intOBJPROP_FONT,// property
string"Arial Black"// value


Paid for a month for Trading Signals, less than 2 weeks have passed, can I unsubscribe with a refund?
Paid for a month for Trading Signals, less than 2 weeks have passed, can I unsubscribe with a refund?
What do the Terms of Service say?

longchart_id,// chart ID
stringname,// name
intOBJPROP_FONT,// property
string "Arial"// value

longchart_id,// chart identifier
intOBJPROP_FONT,// property
string"Arial Black"// value


Unfortunately, this option (crutch) doesn't work for me. For aesthetic beauty, I use a monospaced font (Courier New).

It is necessary from time to time to indicate to the user the emphasis on some parameter. I don't want to colour it yet. The bold style was just right.


How to remove OHLC string from the chart during visual testing?


Unfortunately, this option (crutch) doesn't work for me. For aesthetic beauty, I use a monospaced font (Courier New).

It is necessary from time to time to indicate to the user the emphasis on some parameter. I don't want to colour it yet. A bold style would be fine.


Look at this example:
Документация по MQL5: Графические объекты / TextOut
Документация по MQL5: Графические объекты / TextOut
Графические объекты / TextOut - Документация по MQL5

Thank you. Unfortunately, I didn't make it. :(

I'll use the tags for now.


Which is easier/faster for MT5 to process and display: 24*OBJ_LABELor 1*OBJ_BITMAP_LABEL?

It is assumed that24*TextOut will also be fed intoOBJ_BITMAP_LABEL.

I.e. in terms of performance.


I.e. in terms of performance.

it all depends on the bitmap size

do a billion times bitmap creation+output and the same number of times text label creation and output.

and monitor the output time.