Errors, bugs, questions - page 964


Look at the example that you have in your documentation under the description of the HistoryOrderGetTicket function:

You yourself in your own documentation put a check for a non-negative number in the code. Why? I can only assume that if the value "0" is returned, the result of the function is invalid.

So why don't you specify the possible fails in the textual part of this function's description? For example, by analogy with ArrayResize. It is also specified that it outputs int. But there is an addition for "-1".

I just want the documentation to be full and the programmer didn't have to guess: why does this example contain a check that the returned number is non-negative? Doesn't the numbering of deals start with 0? And if it returns 0, what does it mean?

The check here is not for non-zero, not for negativity of the number.
This is a check for non-nullness, not for negativity of a number.

The type ulong cannot be negative by definition. But why should it be checked for being non-zero? Can you explain it to me, please?

Документация по MQL5: Основы языка / Типы данных / Целые типы / Типы char, short, int и long
Документация по MQL5: Основы языка / Типы данных / Целые типы / Типы char, short, int и long
Основы языка / Типы данных / Целые типы / Типы char, short, int и long - Документация по MQL5

The ulong type cannot be negative by definition. But why should it be checked for being non-zero? Can you explain it to me, please?

If it is equal to zero, then either this function has not selected an order from the history, or it does not exist. If it is greater than zero, it means that they are there and you are working with them. And the ticket number cannot be equal to zero.

But why check it for being non-zero? Can you explain it to me, please?

I repeat for the persistent ones, a ticket cannot be equal to 0.

If it is zero, then either this function has not selected an order from the history or it does not exist.
Did you make this up on your own or does the documentation explicitly state the condition for checking the retrievable value? Emphasis on the words "explicitly" and "documentation".

I repeat, for those who insist, a ticket cannot be 0.

You're not hearing me again.

You are saying that the ticket cannot be 0. I understand your position. Answer me a question, how do you know this? Why can't a ticket equal 0? There is no explicit indication of this in the documentation.

I don't understand, we are already on the second page as if we are speaking different languages.


You're not hearing me again.

You are saying that the ticket cannot be 0. I understand your position. Answer my question, how do you know that? Why can't a ticket equal 0? There is no explicit indication of this in the documentation.

I don't understand, it's like we're talking in different languages for the second page.

If you start a third one, you're going to get banned.

There are enough trolls without you.


if the third one starts, you're going to get banned.

There are enough trolls without you.

What does this have to do with trolling? I've been asking you the same exact question for two pages now. Show me where in the documentation does it say that the ticket cannot equal zero?


What does this have to do with trolling? I've been asking you the same exact question for two pages now. Where in the documentation does it say that the ticket cannot equal zero?

If it's not explicitly stated anywhere in the documentation, what difference does it make to you. What is the point of searching for an answer to this question?
Take two.

Similarly, is the company dead ?