Errors, bugs, questions - page 919


Problems with installing mt5. Can't install, file download only lasts up to 4480Kb and stops downloading further. I tried it many times.

I've tried it many times. Why? I have tried so many times.

Also antivirus may not let me through, KAV did not let me through.

Попробуйте запустить с ключом /clean , пожалуйста

I'm sorry, how's that?

Of course. Why didn't I try disabling KIS in the first place. It's booting now. Thank you. (chuckles)
Also antivirus may not let it through, KAV didn't.

Yes, it's quite possible if the files in the background are blocked from downloading.

You can run it at the command line mt5setup.exe /clean

Of course. Why didn't I try disabling KIS in the first place. It's booting now. Thank you. (chuckles)

We'll figure out a way to protect against that. There will be a correction in the next few days.


Finam's terminal

Attempt to add trading servers WhoTrades-Demo (instructions on their website) or FinamBank (spelled out in the terminal downloaded from them) to the previously installed terminal and with port :443 failed, the names are not entered in the server list (if WhoTrades-Demo) or are entered (if WhoTrades-Demo:443), but are not found when scanning anyway.

It's OK, it's not a big deal. The issue is different.

In their terminal the history is the same as in MQ, from 01.01.1971 (eurusd)

From months to H1 with home button I can move to this date normally.

Then it gets funnier:

M30 - I can go only to 13.11.2002

M15 - 09.08.2006

M5 - 16.02.2009

M1 - 03.10.2012

How so? I look at the beginning of the deep history in MQ-Demo on any timeframe, and the glue is visible. And here in shallow ff just not allowed.

It looks good on the one hand. It seems fair, i.e. there is no data in shallow prices and nothing to see.

It is not clear, in general.

Put unlimited history in the terminal settings and restart it, please.

There must be 100,000 bars per timeframe there now.
Put unlimited history in the terminal settings and restart it, please.

There must be 100,000 bars per timeframe there now.
Right. I forgot about that trick. Thanks.

Opening DB provides demo access in MT5 to work with futures.
When executing BuyStop, SellStop functions, error #10022
TRADE_RETCODE_INVALID_EXPIRATION -Invalid order expiry date in request.
in the Strategy Tester: RTS-3.13 futures, period 17/12/2012.
No error
in manual trade mode.
The Otkritie DB
technical support is unable to help.
The fate of Service Desk request #634461 from2013.01.19 is not clear, do not even see who looked or not :(
Example taken from

int digits = (int)SymbolInfoInteger(Ticket,SYMBOL_DIGITS);// количество знаков после запятой
double point = SymbolInfoDouble(Ticket,SYMBOL_POINT); // пункт
double ask = SymbolInfoDouble(Ticket,SYMBOL_ASK); // текущая цена покупки
double price= ask + 1000; // ненормализованное цена открытия.  Price д.б.  больше ask. В статье: double price= 1000 * point;
price = NormalizeDouble(price, digits); // нормализуем цену открытия
//price = NormalizeDouble(ask + 1000, digits);
datetime DateExpiration = D'17.12.2012 23:59'; // 
// добавил для проверки
Print("digits=", IntegerToString(digits), " point=", DoubleToString (point, 0), " ask=", DoubleToString (ask, 0)," price=", DoubleToString (price, 0)); 
if(!m_Trade.BuyStop(1, price, Ticket)
{Print("Метод BuyStop() потерпел неудачу. Код возврата=", m_Trade.ResultRetcode(),". Описание кода: ",m_Trade.ResultRetcodeDescription());
else{Print("Метод BuyStop() выполнен успешно. Код возврата=",m_Trade.ResultRetcode()," (",m_Trade.ResultRetcodeDescription(),")");

On the record:

KL 0 Core 1 14:43:39 2012.12.27 23:29:59 digits=0 point=1 ask=152670 price=153670
EH 2 Core 1 14:43:39 2012.12.27 23:29:59 failed buy stop 1.00 RTS-3.13 at 153670 [Invalid expiration]
OK 0 Core 1 14:43:39 2012.12.27 23:29:59 CTrade::OrderSend: buy stop 1.00 RTS-3.13 at 153670 [invalid expiration]
NG 0 Core 1 14:43:39 2012.12.27 23:29:59 Метод BuyStop() потерпел неудачу. Код возврата=10022. Описание кода: invalid expiration

Any reply and any comments would be appreciated.
Thank you.

Торговые операции на MQL5 - это просто
Торговые операции на MQL5 - это просто
  • 2012.08.21
  • MetaQuotes Software Corp.
Почти все трейдеры приходят на рынок для того, чтобы заработать денег, хотя есть и доля тех, кому важен не сам торговый результат, а участие в процессе, драйв. Впрочем, получить удовольствие от процесса можно не только торгуя вручную, но и занимаясь разработкой автоматических торговых систем. Ведь создание торгового робота может быть таким же интересным занятием, как и чтение хорошего детектива.

I would be grateful for any reply and any comments.

what kind of expiry time do you set?