Errors, bugs, questions - page 916

PlotIndexGetInteger ?
Just what I need, thank you very much.
Can't upload a*.FLV video to the server, says data transfer error to the server.
void OnInit()

Can you tell me if something is broken in the latest builds and this function doesn't work or am I doing something wrong?

It returns true, but no change is visible.


Can you tell me if something is broken in the latest builds and this function doesn't work or am I doing something wrong?

It returns true, but no change is visible.

You have to fix the scale first:


There is aCHART_SCALEFIX identifier for this.


First you have to fix the scale:


There is aCHART_SCALEFIX identifier for this.

Thank you. I didn't find it in documentation.



ChartSetInteger(0,CHART_SCALEFIX,... ) fixes the price scale of the main window or specified subwindow.

If the subwindow parameter is specified (main window or indicator subwindow), the scale of the main window is changed.


Thank you. Didn't find this in the documentation.

ChartSetInteger(0,CHART_SCALEFIX,... ) fixes price scale of the main window or a specified subwindow.

If you specify the subwindow parameter (main or indicator subwindow), the scale of the main window will change.

If you want to set/modify the maximum/maximum of an indicator subwindow, there are INDICATOR_MINIMUM andINDICATOR_MAXIMUM properties.

Properties of custom indicators


If you want to set/modify the maximum/maximum of an indicator subwindow, the INDICATOR_MINIMUM andINDICATOR_MAXIMUM properties are there.

Properties of custom indicators

Right. Thank you.

Incomplete enumeration of objects to which the property belongs:

MQL5 Reference -> Standard constants, enumerations and structures -> Object constants -> Object properties

OBJPROP_XSIZE  - Размер объекта "График" по оси X (ширина в пикселях) - int

OBJPROP_YSIZE  - Размер объекта "График" по оси Y (высота в пикселях) - int 

Besides the "Chart" object, a rectangle label (OBJ_RECTANGLE_LABEL) obviously has OBJPROP_XSIZE and OBJPROP_YSIZE properties, hence it should be added to the chart.

Документация по MQL5: Стандартные константы, перечисления и структуры / Константы объектов
Документация по MQL5: Стандартные константы, перечисления и структуры / Константы объектов
Стандартные константы, перечисления и структуры / Константы объектов - Документация по MQL5
How can I get e-mail notifications to be sent to my inbox?
When saving a csv file, the data is not split into columns. Even the script from the standard example outputs all the data in one column.
Test_csvr.mq5  2 kb