Errors, bugs, questions - page 874

You'd better go to servicedesk. Although it probably won't work if your profile is blocked, will it?
Where is the service?
Where is this service?
In your profile, line 6 on the left in the menu

The XAGUSD - silver symbol does not show the tick value when viewing the specification in the market overview.

Application #592810.

Also by this symbol it is impossible to get the required margin to open a trade.

Server: MetaQuotes-Demo



The SymbolInfoTick function returns ask, bid, but last and volume are always 0 ?

I'm calling this function from OnTick()

Документация по MQL5: Получение рыночной информации / SymbolInfoTick
Документация по MQL5: Получение рыночной информации / SymbolInfoTick
Получение рыночной информации / SymbolInfoTick - Документация по MQL5
"2012.11.16 13:17:42 MemoryException 800000012 bytes not available". Build 712, XP SP2 x32.

The SymbolInfoTick function returns ask, bid, and last and volume always 0 ?

The example from the help works - at least time, ask and bid are not zeros
#define ENDL    "\n"
void OnTick()
        MqlTick tick;
        SymbolInfoTick( "EURUSD", tick );
        Comment( "time=" + tick.time + ENDL
                 "bid=" + + ENDL +
                 "ask=" + tick.ask + ENDL +
                 "last=" + tick.last + ENDL +
                 "volume=" + tick.volume );
these last two parameters are always zero.
object1024: The SymbolInfoTick function returns ask, bid, but last and volume are always 0 ?

last is probably "last price". Applies to exchange traded instruments. On forex instruments it will be 0.

volume - if we are talking about real and not tick volume, then the same output is for exchange instruments.


last is probably "last price". Applies to exchange traded instruments. On forex instruments it will be 0.

volume - if we are talking about the real volume, not the tick volume, then the same conclusion is for exchange instruments.

Where can I get the tick volume?

I checked it using SymbolInfoInteger(_Symbol, SYMBOL_VOLUME ). But same result.


A quote problem?

There's a trivial code that prints the hours and minutes of a given candlestick:

MqlDateTime Time;

As a result, it generates this absurdity:

2012.11.16 18:00:50 Core 1 2000.11.13 00:01:30 0:1

And all the candles are on the chart and everything is fine.