Errors, bugs, questions - page 824

I think I've got the sixth mistake, but I don't think I've got the others!

This is an example from the help , but that's how it is with me!!!

double                       // тип возвращаемого значения
linfunc (double a, double b) // имя функции и список параметров
                             // составной оператор
   return (a + b);           // возвращаемое значение

You know, I tried to compile in this form, it scares me.

'PositionGetInteger' - constant expected.mq5 65 44 I see the word constant. But what does it need? It's on the first line of the function.

And this is how it is for all the other variable declarations, but I've declared the function according to the help, haven't I?

'price' - missing default value for parameter order.mq5 65 92

Parameters passed to a function may have default values, which are defined by constants of the relevant type.


int somefunc(double a,
double d=0.0001,
int n=5,
bool b=true,
string s="passed string")
Print("Required parameter a= ",a);
Print("The following parameters have been passed:d = ",d," n = ",n," b = ",b," s = ",s) ;

If a default value has been assigned to a parameter, all subsequent parameters must also have a default value.

Now it's really clear, because I was reading and questioning for a long time, and so I didn't send it in!

Good evening, could there be a function like this

void  PositionModify(...)

Is it necessary to zero structures in this case when declaring?

Don't name your function with the same name as a standard library function, you will get confused in the future.

Look at the standard library, it's already there, so don't reinvent the wheel.

Документация по MQL5: Стандартная библиотека
Документация по MQL5: Стандартная библиотека
Стандартная библиотека - Документация по MQL5
Now it's really clear, because I took a long time to read it and re-interrogate it, so I didn't send it in!
The article Trading Operations in MQL5 is just that there are already ready-made solutions for trading operations.
Signals, they give out demo signals, there are real and contest signals, how do I give out my signals? and how do I connect the signals to the terminal? maybe I missed something, please give me a link to the manual, maybe I just forgot.

Signals, they give out demo signals, there are real and contest signals, how do I give out my signals? and how do I connect the signals to the terminal? maybe I missed something, please give me a link to the manual, maybe I just forgot.

This is a forward announcement of the service.

The service hasn't been finalised and launched yet.

I have tried to use them at the previous Championship, but they cannot be used in autotrading yet.