Errors, bugs, questions - page 791


Next, a simple formula Margin Level= Balance / Margin (constant). Consequently, with the growth of balance, the increase in margin level is obtained.

I have given you the exact formula (it is the inverse of the one you gave) and additionally given its meaning "account load".

The smaller the value of margin * 100% / equity, the less the load on the account and the greater the margin of safety.

Absolutely worth it - please write.

1. Thank you. I hope that's correct.

2.I will give you more details tomorrow, but the following situation happens now.

After finishing or by stopping the optimisation the Start-Stop button remains inactive and faded.

You cannot change or start anything on the first tab, you have to reboot the terminal.

The log shows that there was a user stop.

XP 32 bit,Win 7 32 bit.

20120802.log  117 kb

Karlson 2012.08.02 00:30 After finishing or by stopping the optimization, the Start-Stop button remains inactive and faded.

Confirmed, there is a bug and it is very repeatable. Besides, optimization results of the Expert Advisor I tested just last night have radically changed - e.g. number of trades with the same parameters has decreased by 4 times. Unfortunately, I have not saved the results of yesterday's runs and cannot track why this is so - I am just stating the fact for now.


Terminal crashes in new build during optimisation

Requisition #450637

The genetics have been behaving strangely since the previous update. There are regular breakdowns on passes 1-4 or on the 5th-9th thousandth pass. Repetition (overlapping with previous run) also affects, but haphazardly. There are no reports of abnormal completions. Recompiling the owl almost always helps.

Terminal crashes in new build during optimisation

Requisition #450637

Thank you for your feedback, we are working on it.

More on genetics. The tester, for some reason, arrogantly believes that with billions of variants he will find the best one in 1280 runs. And he stops after that! Convincing him to count traditionally at least 10 thousand variants doesn't work... Recompiling etc doesn't help. What a pity!

No, really, what to do? I can't stop it at all.


Karlson 2012.08.02 00:30 The Start-Stop button remains inactive and faded after finishing or by stopping optimization.

I confirm the bug is there and very well repeatable. In addition, radically changed the results of optimization of the EA I tested just last night - e.g. number of trades with the same parameters has decreased by 4 times. Unfortunately, I have not saved the results of yesterday's runs and I can not track why this is so - I am just stating the fact for now.

Yes, it is a horrible bug. Every time you reload the terminal is unusual ))))

I had just fixed the number of deals and trades (it works correctly) and I had a hope to retest everything, but I failed))

Today in addition:


More on genetics. The tester, for some reason, arrogantly believes that with billions of variants he will find the best one in 1280 runs. And he stops after that! Convincing him to count traditionally at least 10 thousand variants doesn't work... Recompiling etc doesn't help. What a pity!

No, really, what to do? I can't stop it at all.

Maybe in this thread you'll find answers to your questions: How to strangle a genetic tester via OnTester with zero results.