Errors, bugs, questions - page 749


What does this mean?

No errors in the terminal, the indicator compiles, works, no errors in the editor, in the log

2012.06.08 11:15:11     Cpp compiler    MS Visual Studio compiler is not installed in the system or failed initializing the compiler

but the indicator doesn't need any VS, it's just a couple of arrays. But it stubbornly starts only like this - Debugging.

How to fix it?


Since the question with the chart dates remains unanswered by MQ, I'll ask the next one...

I can't find this in the description. Indicator tester?


Since the question with the chart dates remains unanswered by MQ, I'll ask the next one...

I can't find it in the description. Indicator tester?

This was made to test indicators from Market.

P.S. It is not only from the Market. For instance, you can see how the indicator behaves in the tester during its development. It may take a long time to wait for the update in the real time mode.


Thank you. I see.

I am primitively requesting it from an empty EA to test the indicator.


I can't find it in the description. Indicator tester?

It says in the terminal help -
Thank you. I hadn't noticed.

Thank you. I see.

I am primitively requesting it from an empty EA to test the indicator.

And now you don't even need an Expert Advisor for that. I have to correct it and waste my precious time. That was fast. One! And that's it. ))
But only the visual mode. So you can't measure the speed.
But only the visual mode. So you can't measure the speed.
I've seen you've already checked out the profiler. That's the one to measure the speed with, if I understand correctly. :)

Please help me understand!

In the process of my calculations I get numbers whose meaning is not clear to me.

I assign such a number to variable a and print it out:

void OnStart()
  double a;
  bool v;
  a=-7.56414503782948460000 e-321;
  PrintFormat("a= %.16e,   Valid= %i",a,v);


a= -7.5641450378294846e-321,   Valid= 1

But according to the documentation, the type double cannot have powers below -308. Who knows what kind of numbers they are?