Errors, bugs, questions - page 605


I support this request.


Hopefully the improvements in features and usability will continue.

I also support it. This build is just a present for the New Year. Thank you! )))

Done. I'm glad too that the control library is contributing to the introduction of the right features.

A lot has already been done and a lot of requests must have accumulated. I can almost feel my requests sinking into a long list. I want everything at once, of course, but I understand the workload of the performers.

Well, as long as the graphical part is on the agenda, maybe something will catch on... In addition to events, in #286616 I proposed the optional text positioning feature (x,y) in OBJ_EDIT object ( although in OBJ_BUTTON this feature would be nice too)

Now, when resizing OBJ_EDIT, the text is pushed to the left edge with vertical alignment in the line, while in OBJ_BUTTONit is centered. In other words, the text can be cropped visually only on the right side, partially "hiding the text" on the left, bottom or top will not work.

I.e., it will not be possible to create a crawl line effect in a limited space or a text area with scrolling text in pure MQL.


The text is cropped on the right.

Could be cropped on the left with horizontal scrolling

Question to the developers. The capabilities of the new build include the CHART_EVENT_MOUSE_MOVE event.

Will the CHART_EVENT_MOUSE_DOWN and CHART_EVENT_MOUSE_UP events be introduced?

Without them, you can't have full-fledged drag and drop.

There will be no separate events. It will be CHART_EVENT_MOUSE_MOVE with state of left mouse button.
I don't know if it's a glitch in the quotes or what...
cho.PNG  64 kb

EURCAD 1M,5M,15M have too big gaps in history !

Please correct it.

There will be a CHART_EVENT_MOUSE_MOVE with the state of the left mouse button.
bravo! that's super!!!

A lot has already been done and a lot of requests must have accumulated. I can almost feel my requests sinking into a long list. Want to do everything at once, of course, but I understand the load of performers.

Well, as long as finalization of the graph part is on the agenda, maybe something will catch on... Besides events, in #286616 I proposed an optional text positioning feature (x,y) in OBJ_EDIT object ( although in OBJ_BUTTON such feature would be nice too)

)) similar request #282875. I will repeat it here:

Please - add OBJPROP_ANCHOR property analysis for Edit Box.

so that the text inside it would be placed by specified OBJPROP_ANCHOR property. That is, to make the text alignment inside the edit box adjustable.

and I can raise it in the servicedesk
It will be CHART_EVENT_MOUSE_MOVE with the state of left mouse button.

Victor, please pay attention to another important application for the standard library controls. (It disappeared from the Service Desk completely, neither in open nor in closed).

It concerns CHARTEVENT_OBJECT_DELETE event - Deleting of graphical object (if CHART_EVENT_OBJECT_DELETE=true property of the graph)

In the request, I asked to set lparam to record the flag of who deleted the object - by terminal (lparam=0) or programmatically from MQL (lparam=1).

There will probably be no separate events. It will be CHART_EVENT_MOUSE_MOVE with state of left mouse button.
Thank you!

Victor, please pay attention to one more important request for the Standard Library controls. (It disappeared from servicedesk completely, neither in open nor in closed ones).

It concerns CHARTEVENT_OBJECT_DELETE event - Deleting of graphical object (if CHART_EVENT_OBJECT_DELETE=true property of the graph)

In my request, I asked to set lparam to record the flag of who deleted the object - by terminal (lparam=0) or programmatically from MQL (lparam=1)

It is not very clear why? After all, if your program deleted an object, it knows about it. And if the object is deleted and the program "won't say a word" about it, the Terminal is to blame.