Errors, bugs, questions - page 602

And who needs premature fractals?
If you don't need them, don't use them, and if you do, you know what to do with them.
If you don't need it, don't use it. if you do, you know what to do with it.
Mocking with the "who needs it" abstraction. Especially since I'm not the only one paying attention to the problem. Do you have a personal interest in redrawing fractals?
If you don't need it, don't use it. who needs it, knows what to do with it.
I agree, so as not to fall back on the 'we know what you need better than you do' approach, you should give the full functionality rather than a stripped-down version.

This is where people were perplexed until it dawned on them:,


This is where people were perplexed until it hit them:

Well, that's good. Now that it's come, all is not lost.

This is where people were perplexed until it hit them:


Also, people often wonder why there is no [money] button in MT :)

You can't say hello to every sneeze.


And people often wonder why there is no [money] button in MT :)

You can't say hello to every sneeze.

You'd think we were crying about lost profits here. We are talking about mathematics and geometry, and it can be applied (by the example of FiboTimeZones) to financial markets, or weather, or political events, or human biorhythms... - As long as the implementation is competent or at least flexible and non-alternative.

Thank you for translating CCFp. For ideas: has Semyon Semenych's corner, it's all there.

I'm afraid to be intrusive - I'd like the source code ....

So how about the source code for CCFp_2 ???


Thank you for translating CCFp. For ideas: has Semyon Semenych's corner, it's all there.

it's empty.

So how about the source code for CCFp_2 ???

There is no difference between MQL5 code and MQL4 source code at all. only the OnCalculate function was reworked to MQL5 specifics.


Description in the handbook

bool ObjectCreate(
long chart_id, // chart identifier
string name, // object name
int type, // object type
int nwin, // window index
datetime time1, // time of the first anchor point
double price1, // price of the first anchor point
datetime timeN=0, // time of the N-th tie point
double priceN=0, // price of the N-th point
datetime time30=0, // time of the 30-th tie point
double price30=0 //there is a price of the 30th tie point

In fact

bool ObjectCreate(
long chart_id, // chart identifier
string name, // object name
ENUM_OBJECT type, // object type
intn win, // window index);

Документация по MQL5: Операции с графиками / ChartID
Документация по MQL5: Операции с графиками / ChartID
Операции с графиками / ChartID - Документация по MQL5